In order to very quickly scan and extract individual records the data have been formed into a dynamic, searchable HTML table. The main search box matches partial text in any field. The filters at the top of each column subset the data. Data columns can be ordered by clicking on the top.
The faculty names are abbreviated and some workplace descriptions with few members have been amalgamated to faculty for simplicity. The number of records shown on any one page can be increased. Data rows can be selected, copied and pasted into an open spreadsheet or word document.
The total number of UCU members in each faculty are broken down by gender.
The disparity in SciTech may be a reflection of the overall composition of the staff in that faculty.
Note that there is clear evidence of disparity in the number of members on part time contracts.
No clear pattern here, but the data may be interpreted by those familiar with the internal dynamics of each individual faculty.
Membership of UCU has shown a sharp increase in recent years, as mapped by a superimposed spline on a scatterplot. Note that in the years immediately following the apointment of John Vinney recruitment fell below the trend for a while, and subsequently picked up. During Paul Curran’s tenure the numbers joining were well above the overall trend, but this may have been due to turnover. There is no data available on members who joined in previous years but no longer work at BU.
## # A tibble: 7 x 2
## title n
## <fctr> <int>
## 1 Dr 154
## 2 Miss 18
## 3 Mr 80
## 4 Mrs 38
## 5 Ms 45
## 6 Mx 1
## 7 Professor 20