Classes and Methods for Spatio-Temporal Data

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Documentation for package ‘spacetime’ version 1.2-2

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A B C D E F G I L M N O P R S T U W X Z misc

-- A --

aggregate consistent spatio-temporal overlay for objects inheriting from ST
aggregate-method consistent spatio-temporal overlay for objects inheriting from ST
air Air quality data, rural background PM10 in Germany, daily averages 1998-2009 Class "STFDF" write STFDF to table forms Class "STIDF" Class "STIDF" Class "STSDF" Class "STSDF"
as.zoo Class "STFDF"
as.zoo.STFDF Class "STFDF"

-- B --

bbox obtain ranges of space and time coordinates
bbox-method obtain ranges of space and time coordinates

-- C --

cbind.ST Class "ST"
coerce-method Class "STFDF"
coerce-method Class "STIDF"
coerce-method Class "STSDF"
coerce-method Class "STTDF"

-- D --

dates Air quality data, rural background PM10 in Germany, daily averages 1998-2009
DE Air quality data, rural background PM10 in Germany, daily averages 1998-2009
delta find default time interval end points when intervals are regular
DE_NUTS1 Air quality data, rural background PM10 in Germany, daily averages 1998-2009
dim.ST Class "ST"

-- E --

EOF Compute spatial or temporal empirical orthogonal function (EOF)
eof Compute spatial or temporal empirical orthogonal function (EOF)

-- F --

fires Northern Los Angeles County Fires

-- G --

geometry-method Class "ST"
geometry-method Class "STFDF"
geometry-method Class "STIDF"
geometry-method Class "STSDF"
geometry-method Class "STTDF"

-- I --

index match two (time) sequences
is.projected-method Class "ST"

-- L --

ltraj-class Class "STTDF"

-- M --

MATCH match two (time) sequences
mnf Generic mnf method
mnf.matrix Generic mnf method
mnf.mts Generic mnf method
mnf.RasterBrick Generic mnf method
mnf.RasterStack Generic mnf method
mnf.SpatialGridDataFrame Generic mnf method
mnf.SpatialPixelsDataFrame Generic mnf method
mnf.STFDF Generic mnf method
mnf.STSDF Generic mnf method
mnf.zoo Generic mnf method

-- N --

na.approx replace NA attribute values; disaggregation time series
na.approx.STFDF replace NA attribute values; disaggregation time series
na.locf replace NA attribute values; disaggregation time series
na.locf.STFDF replace NA attribute values; disaggregation time series
na.omit.STFDF Class "STFDF"
na.spline replace NA attribute values; disaggregation time series
na.spline.STFDF replace NA attribute values; disaggregation time series
nbMult convert a spatial nb object to a matching STF object

-- O --

over consistent spatio-temporal overlay for objects inheriting from ST
over-method consistent spatio-temporal overlay for objects inheriting from ST

-- P --

plot-method Class "STFDF"
plot-method Class "STIDF"
plot-method Class "STSDF"
plot-method Class "STTDF"
proj4string-method Class "ST"
proj4string<--method Class "ST"

-- R --

rbind.STFDF Class "STFDF"
rbind.STIDF Class "STIDF"
rbind.STSDF Class "STSDF"
read.tgrass read or write tgrass (time-enabled grass) files
rural Air quality data, rural background PM10 in Germany, daily averages 1998-2009

-- S --

segPanel produce trellis plot for STxDF object
ST Class "ST"
ST-class Class "ST"
stack.STFDF produce trellis plot for STxDF object
stack.STIDF produce trellis plot for STxDF object
stack.STSDF produce trellis plot for STxDF object
stations Air quality data, rural background PM10 in Germany, daily averages 1998-2009
stbox obtain ranges of space and time coordinates
stbox-method obtain ranges of space and time coordinates
stConstruct create ST* objects from long or wide tables
STF-class Class "STFDF"
STFDF-class Class "STFDF"
STI-class Class "STIDF"
STIDF-class Class "STIDF"
stInteraction subtract marginal (spatial and temporal) means from observations
stplot produce trellis plot for STxDF object
stplot-method produce trellis plot for STxDF object
stplot.STFDF produce trellis plot for STxDF object
stplot.STIDF produce trellis plot for STxDF object
STS-class Class "STSDF"
STSDF-class Class "STSDF"
STT-class Class "STTDF"
STTDF-class Class "STTDF"

-- T --

timeIsInterval retrieve, or set, information whether time reflects instance (FALSE) or intervals (TRUE)
timeIsInterval-method retrieve, or set, information whether time reflects instance (FALSE) or intervals (TRUE)
timeIsInterval<- retrieve, or set, information whether time reflects instance (FALSE) or intervals (TRUE)
timeIsInterval<--method retrieve, or set, information whether time reflects instance (FALSE) or intervals (TRUE)
timeMatch match two (time) sequences
timeMatch-method match two (time) sequences
tracksPanel produce trellis plot for STxDF object

-- U --

unstack.STFDF write STFDF to table forms

-- W --

write.tgrass read or write tgrass (time-enabled grass) files

-- X --

xts-class Class "ST"

-- Z --

zoo-class Class "ST"

-- misc --

$-method Class "ST"
$<--method Class "ST"
[-method Class "STFDF"
[-method Class "STIDF"
[-method Class "STSDF"
[-method Class "STTDF"
[[-method Class "ST"
[[<--method Class "ST"