A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P R S T U V W X misc
oce-package | oce: A Package for Oceanographic Analysis |
abbreviateTimeLabels | Abbreviate a vector of times by removing commonalities |
ad2cpHeaderValue | Decode an item from a Nortek AD2CP file header |
addColumn | Add a Column to the data Slot of an oce object [defunct] |
adp | ADP (acoustic-doppler profiler) dataset |
adp-class | Class to Store adp (ADCP) Data |
adpEnsembleAverage | Ensemble Average an ADP Object in Time |
adv | ADV (acoustic-doppler velocimeter) dataset |
adv-class | Class to Store adv Data |
airRho | Air density |
amsr-class | Class to Store AMSR-2 Satellite Data |
angleRemap | Convert angles from 0:360 to -180:180 |
applyMagneticDeclination | Earth magnetic declination |
approx3d | Trilinear interpolation in a 3D array |
argo | ARGO float dataset |
argo-class | Class to Store Argo Data |
argoGrid | Grid Argo float data |
argoNames2oceNames | Convert Argo Data Name to Oce Name |
argShow | Show an argument to a function, e.g. for debugging |
as.adp | Create an ADP Object |
as.argo | Coerce Data Into an Argo Dataset |
as.cm | Coerce data into a CM object |
as.coastline | Coerce Data into a Coastline Object |
as.ctd | Coerce data into CTD object |
as.echosounder | Coerce Data into an Echosounder Object |
as.gps | Coerce data into a GPS dataset |
as.ladp | Coerce data into an ladp object |
as.lisst | Coerce Data Into a LISST Object |
as.lobo | Coerce Data into a Lobo Object |
as.met | Coerce Data into met Object |
as.oce | Coerce Something Into an Oce Object |
as.rsk | Coerce Data Into a Rsk Object |
as.sealevel | Coerce Data Into a Sealevel Object |
as.section | Create a Section |
as.tidem | Create tidem object from fitted harmonic data |
as.topo | Coerce Data into Topo Object |
as.unit | Convert a String to a Unit |
as.windrose | Create a Windrose Object |
bcdToInteger | Decode BCD to integer |
beamName | Get names of Acoustic-Doppler Beams |
beamToXyz | Change ADV or ADP coordinate systems |
beamToXyzAdp | Convert ADP From Beam to XYZ Coordinates |
beamToXyzAdpAD2CP | Convert AD2CP-style adp data From Beam to XYZ Coordinates |
beamToXyzAdv | Convert ADV from Beam to XYZ Coordinates |
beamUnspreadAdp | Adjust ADP Signal for Spherical Spreading |
bilinearInterp | Bilinear Interpolation Within a Grid |
binApply1D | Apply a function to vector data |
binApply2D | Apply a function to matrix data |
binAverage | Bin-average a vector y, based on x values |
binCount1D | Bin-count vector data |
binCount2D | Bin-count matrix data |
binmapAdp | Bin-map an ADP object |
binMean1D | Bin-average f=f(x) |
binMean2D | Bin-average f=f(x,y) |
bound125 | Calculate a rounded bound, rounded up to matissa 1, 2, or 5 |
bremen-class | Class to Store Bremen-formatted Data |
byteToBinary | Format bytes as binary [defunct] |
cm | A CM Record |
cm-class | Class to Store Current Meter Data |
cnvName2oceName | Infer variable name, units and scale from a Seabird (.cnv) header line |
coastline-class | Class to Store Coastline Data |
coastlineBest | Find the Name of the Best Coastline Object |
coastlineCut | Cut a Coastline Object at Specified Longitude |
coastlineWorld | World Coastline |
colormap | Calculate color map |
composite | Create a composite object by averaging across good data |
composite-method | Create a composite of amsr satellite data |
composite-method | Composite by Averaging Across Data |
concatenate | Concatenate oce objects |
concatenate-method | Concatenate adp objects |
concatenate-method | Concatenate a list of oce objects |
concatenate-method | Concatenate oce objects |
coriolis | Coriolis parameter on rotating earth |
ctd | A CTD profile in Halifax Harbour |
ctd-class | Class to Store CTD (or general hydrographic) Data |
ctdAddColumn | Add a Column to the Data Slot of a CTD Object [defunct] |
ctdDecimate | Decimate a CTD profile |
ctdFindProfiles | Find Profiles within a Tow-Yow CTD Record |
ctdRaw | Seawater CTD Profile, Without Trimming of Extraneous Data |
ctdTrim | Trim Beginning and Ending of a CTD cast |
ctdUpdateHeader | Update a CTD Header [defunct] |
ctimeToSeconds | Interpret a character string as a time interval |
curl | Curl of 2D vector field |
dataLabel | Try to associate data names with units, for use by summary() |
decimate | Smooth and Decimate, or Subsample, an Oce Object |
decodeHeaderNortek | Decode a Nortek Header |
decodeTime | Oce Version of as.POSIXct |
defaultFlags | Suggest a default flag vector for bad or suspicious data |
despike | Remove spikes from a time series |
detrend | Detrend a set of observations |
download.amsr | Download and Cache an amsr File |
download.coastline | Download a coastline File |
download.met | Download and Cache a met File |
download.topo | Download and Cache a topo File |
drawDirectionField | Draw a Direction Field |
drawIsopycnals | Add Isopycnal Curves to TS Plot |
drawPalette | Draw a palette, leaving margins suitable for accompanying plot |
echosounder | Echosounder Dataset |
echosounder-class | Class to Store Echosounder Data |
eclipticalToEquatorial | Convert ecliptical to equatorial coordinate |
enuToOther | Rotate acoustic-Doppler data to a new coordinate system |
enuToOtherAdp | Convert ADP ENU to Rotated Coordinate |
enuToOtherAdv | Convert ENU to Other Coordinate |
equatorialToLocalHorizontal | Convert equatorial to local horizontal coordinate |
errorbars | Draw error bars on an existing xy diagram |
fillGap | Fill a gap in an oce object |
findBottom | Find the Ocean Bottom in an Echosounder Object |
findInOrdered | Find indices of times in an ordered vector [defunct] |
firstFinite | Get first finite value in a vector or array, or NULL if none |
formatCI | Confidence interval in parenthetic notation |
formatPosition | Format Geographical Position in Degrees and Minutes |
fullFilename | Full name of file, including path |
g1sst-class | Class to Store G1SST Satellite-model Data |
geodDist | Compute Geodesic Distance on Surface of Earth |
geodGc | Great-circle Segments Between Points on Earth |
geodXy | Convert From Geographical to Geodesic Coordinates |
geodXyInverse | Inverse Geodesic Calculation |
GMTOffsetFromTz | Determine time offset from timezone |
gps-class | Class to Store GPS Data |
grad | Calculate Matrix Gradient |
gravity | Acceleration due to earth gravity |
handleFlags | Handle flags in oce objects |
handleFlags-method | Handle Flags in adp Objects |
handleFlags-method | Handle Flags in ARGO Objects |
handleFlags-method | Handle Flags in CTD Objects |
handleFlags-method | Handle flags in Section Objects |
handleFlags-method | Signal erroneous application to non-oce objects |
handleFlagsInternal | Low-level function for handling data-quality flags |
head.oce | Extract The Start of an Oce Object |
imagep | Plot an Image with a Color Palette |
initialize-method | Initialize storage for a ctd object |
initializeFlags | Create storage for a flag, and initialize values, for a oce object |
initializeFlags-method | Create storage for a flag, and initialize values, for a adp object |
initializeFlags-method | Create storage for a flag, and initialize values, for a oce object |
initializeFlagScheme | Establish a data-quality scheme for a oce object |
initializeFlagScheme-method | Establish a data-quality scheme for a ctd object |
initializeFlagScheme-method | Establish a data-quality scheme for a oce object |
initializeFlagScheme-method | Establish a data-quality scheme for a section object |
initializeFlagSchemeInternal | Establish a data-quality scheme for a oce object |
initializeFlagsInternal | Create storage for a flag, and initialize values, for a oce object |
integerToAscii | Decode integer to corresponding ASCII code |
integrateTrapezoid | Trapezoidal Integration |
interpBarnes | Grid data using Barnes algorithm |
is.ad2cp | Test whether object is an AD2CP type |
julianCenturyAnomaly | Julian-Day number to Julian century |
julianDay | Convert a POSIXt time to a Julian day |
ladp-class | Class to Store Lowered-adp Data |
landsat | Sample landsat Dataset |
landsat-class | Class to Store landsat Data |
landsatAdd | Add a Band to a landsat Object |
landsatTrim | Trim a landsat Image to a Geographical Region |
latFormat | Format a latitude |
latlonFormat | Format a latitude-longitude pair |
lisst | LISST Dataset |
lisst-class | Class to Store LISST Data |
lobo | LOBO Dataset |
lobo-class | Class to Store LOBO Data |
lonFormat | Format a longitude |
lonlat2map | Convert Longitude and Latitude to X and Y |
lonlat2utm | Convert Longitude and Latitude to UTM |
lookWithin | Look Within the First Element of a List for Replacement Values |
lowpass | Perform lowpass digital filtering |
magneticField | Earth magnetic declination, inclination, and intensity |
makeFilter | Make a digital filter |
map2lonlat | Convert X and Y to Longitude and Latitude |
mapArrows | Add Arrows to a Map |
mapAxis | Add Axis Labels to an Existing Map |
mapContour | Add Contours on a Existing map |
mapCoordinateSystem | Draw a coordinate system |
mapDirectionField | Add a Direction Field to an Existing Map |
mapGrid | Add a Longitude and Latitude Grid to a Map |
mapImage | Add an Image to a Map |
mapLines | Add Lines to a Map |
mapLocator | Locate Points on a Map |
mapLongitudeLatitudeXY | Convert From Longitude and Latitude to X and Y |
mapMeridians | Add Meridians on a Map [defunct] |
mapPlot | Draw a Map |
mapPoints | Add Points to a Map |
mapPolygon | Add a Polygon to a Map |
mapScalebar | Add a Scalebar to a Map |
mapText | Add Text to a Map |
mapTissot | Add Tissot Indicatrices to a Map |
mapZones | Add Zones to a Map [defunct] |
matchBytes | Locate byte sequences in a raw vector |
matrixShiftLongitude | Rearrange areal matrix so Greenwich is near the centre |
matrixSmooth | Smooth a Matrix |
met | Sample met Object |
met-class | Class to Store Meteorological Data |
metNames2oceNames | Convert met Data Name to Oce Name |
moonAngle | Lunar Angle as Function of Space and Time |
numberAsHMS | Convert a Numeric Time to Hour, Minute, and Second |
numberAsPOSIXct | Convert a Numeric Time to a POSIXct Time |
oce | oce: A Package for Oceanographic Analysis |
oce-class | Base Class for oce Objects |
oce-defunct | Deprecated and Defunct Elements of package 'oce' |
oce-deprecated | Deprecated and Defunct Elements of package 'oce' |
oce.approx | Interpolate 1D Data with UNESCO or Reiniger-Ross Algorithm |
oce.as.POSIXlt | Oce Variant of as.POSIXlt [defunct] |
oce.as.raw | Version of as.raw() that clips data |
oce.axis.POSIXct | Oce Version of axis.POSIXct |
oce.colors9A | Create colors similar to the Matlab Jet scheme |
oce.colors9B | Create colors in a red-yellow-blue color scheme |
oce.colorsCDOM | Create colors suitable for CDOM fields |
oce.colorsChlorophyll | Create colors suitable for chlorophyll fields |
oce.colorsDensity | Create colors suitable for density fields |
oce.colorsFreesurface | Create colors suitable for freesurface fields |
oce.colorsGebco | Create colors in a Gebco-like scheme |
oce.colorsJet | Create colors similar to the Matlab Jet scheme |
oce.colorsOxygen | Create colors suitable for oxygen fields |
oce.colorsPalette | Create a vector of colors |
oce.colorsPAR | Create colors suitable for PAR fields |
oce.colorsPhase | Create colors suitable for phase fields |
oce.colorsSalinity | Create colors suitable for salinity fields |
oce.colorsTemperature | Create colors suitable for temperature fields |
oce.colorsTurbidity | Create colors suitable for turbidity fields |
oce.colorsTwo | Create two-color palette |
oce.colorsVelocity | Create colors suitable for velocity fields |
oce.colorsViridis | Create colors similar to the matlab Viridis scheme |
oce.colorsVorticity | Create colors suitable for vorticity fields |
oce.contour | Oce Variant of contour |
oce.convolve | Convolve two time series |
oce.debug | Print a debugging message |
oce.edit | Edit an Oce Object |
oce.filter | Filter a time-series |
oce.grid | Add a Grid to an Existing Oce Plot |
oce.plot.ts | Oce Variant of plot.ts |
oce.pmatch | Partial matching of strings or numbers |
oce.smooth | Smooth an Oce Object |
oce.spectrum | Wrapper to give normalized spectrum |
oce.write.table | Write the Data Portion of Object to a File |
oceApprox | Interpolate 1D Data with UNESCO or Reiniger-Ross Algorithm |
ocecolors | Data that define some color palettes |
oceColors9A | Create colors similar to the Matlab Jet scheme |
oceColors9B | Create colors in a red-yellow-blue color scheme |
oceColorsCDOM | Create colors suitable for CDOM fields |
oceColorsChlorophyll | Create colors suitable for chlorophyll fields |
oceColorsClosure | Create color functions |
oceColorsDensity | Create colors suitable for density fields |
oceColorsFreesurface | Create colors suitable for freesurface fields |
oceColorsGebco | Create colors in a Gebco-like scheme |
oceColorsJet | Create colors similar to the Matlab Jet scheme |
oceColorsOxygen | Create colors suitable for oxygen fields |
oceColorsPalette | Create a vector of colors |
oceColorsPAR | Create colors suitable for PAR fields |
oceColorsPhase | Create colors suitable for phase fields |
oceColorsSalinity | Create colors suitable for salinity fields |
oceColorsTemperature | Create colors suitable for temperature fields |
oceColorsTurbidity | Create colors suitable for turbidity fields |
oceColorsTwo | Create two-color palette |
oceColorsVelocity | Create colors suitable for velocity fields |
oceColorsViridis | Create colors similar to the matlab Viridis scheme |
oceColorsVorticity | Create colors suitable for vorticity fields |
oceContour | Oce Variant of contour |
oceConvolve | Convolve two time series |
oceCRS | Coordinate Reference System strings for some oceans |
oceDebug | Print a debugging message |
oceDeleteData | Delete Something in the data Slot of an oce Object |
oceDeleteMetadata | Delete Something in the metadata Slot of an oce Object |
oceEdit | Edit an Oce Object |
oceFilter | Filter a time-series |
oceGetData | Get Something from the data Slot of an oce Object |
oceGetMetadata | Get Something From the metadata Slot in an oce Object |
oceMagic | Find the Type of an Oceanographic Data File |
oceNames2whpNames | Translate Oce Data Names to WHP Data Names |
ocePmatch | Partial matching of strings or numbers |
oceProject | Wrapper to rgdal::project() |
oceSetData | Set Something in the data Slot of an oce Object |
oceSetMetadata | Set Something in the metadata Slot of an oce Object |
oceSmooth | Smooth an Oce Object |
oceSpectrum | Wrapper to give normalized spectrum |
oceUnits2whpUnits | Translate oce unit to WHP unit |
odf-class | Class to Store ODF Data |
ODF2oce | Create ODF object from the output of 'ODF::read_ODF()' |
ODFListFromHeader | Create a list of ODF header metadata |
ODFNames2oceNames | Translate from ODF Names to Oce Names |
parseLatLon | Parse a Latitude or Longitude String |
plot-method | Plot ADP Data |
plot-method | Plot ADV data |
plot-method | Plot an amsr Object |
plot-method | Plot Argo Data |
plot-method | Plot a Bremen Object |
plot-method | Plot CM data |
plot-method | Plot a Coastline |
plot-method | Plot CTD Data |
plot-method | Plot Echosounder Data |
plot-method | Plot a GPS Object |
plot-method | Plot an ladp object |
plot-method | Plot a landsat Object |
plot-method | Plot LISST data |
plot-method | Plot LOBO data |
plot-method | Plot met Data |
plot-method | Plot an oce Object |
plot-method | Plot an ODF Object |
plot-method | Plot Rsk Data |
plot-method | Plot a satellite object |
plot-method | Plot Sealevel Data |
plot-method | Plot a Section |
plot-method | Plot a Tidem Prediction |
plot-method | Plot a Topo Object |
plot-method | Plot Windrose data |
plot.adp | Plot ADP Data |
plot.adv | Plot ADV data |
plot.amsr | Plot an amsr Object |
plot.argo | Plot Argo Data |
plot.bremen | Plot a Bremen Object |
plot.cm | Plot CM data |
plot.coastline | Plot a Coastline |
plot.ctd | Plot CTD Data |
plot.echosounder | Plot Echosounder Data |
plot.gps | Plot a GPS Object |
plot.ladp | Plot an ladp object |
plot.landsat | Plot a landsat Object |
plot.lisst | Plot LISST data |
plot.lobo | Plot LOBO data |
plot.met | Plot met Data |
plot.oce | Plot an oce Object |
plot.odf | Plot an ODF Object |
plot.rsk | Plot Rsk Data |
plot.satellite | Plot a satellite object |
plot.sealevel | Plot Sealevel Data |
plot.section | Plot a Section |
plot.tidem | Plot a Tidem Prediction |
plot.topo | Plot a Topo Object |
plot.windrose | Plot Windrose data |
plotInset | Plot an Inset Diagram |
plotPolar | Draw a Polar Plot |
plotProfile | Plot a CTD Profile |
plotScan | Plot CTD data in a Low-Level Fashion |
plotSticks | Draw a Stick Plot |
plotTaylor | Plot a Model-data Comparison Diagram |
plotTS | Plot Temperature-Salinity Diagram |
predict.tidem | Predict a Time Series from a Tidal Model |
presentTime | Get the present time, in a stated timezone |
prettyPosition | Pretty lat/lon in deg, min, sec |
processingLog<- | Add an item to a processing log (in place) |
processingLogAppend | Append an item to a processing log |
processingLogItem | Create an item that can be inserted into a processing log |
processingLogShow | Show the processing log of an 'oce' object |
pwelch | Welch periodogram |
rangeExtended | Calculate Range, Extended a Little, as is Done for Axes |
rangeLimit | Substitute NA for data outside a range |
read.adp | Read an ADP File |
read.adp.ad2cp | Read an AD2CP File |
read.adp.nortek | Read a Nortek ADP File |
read.adp.rdi | Read a Teledyne/RDI ADP File |
read.adp.sontek | Read a Sontek ADP File |
read.adp.sontek.serial | Read a serial Sontek ADP file |
read.adv | Read an ADV data file |
read.adv.nortek | Read an ADV data file |
read.adv.sontek.adr | Read an ADV data file |
read.adv.sontek.serial | Read an ADV data file |
read.adv.sontek.text | Read an ADV data file |
read.amsr | Read an amsr File |
read.aquadopp | Read a Nortek Aquadopp File |
read.aquadoppHR | Read Nortek Aquadopp-HR File |
read.aquadoppProfiler | Read a Nortek Aquadopp-Profiler File |
read.argo | Read an Argo Data File |
read.bremen | Read a Bremen File |
read.cm | Read a CM file |
read.coastline | Read a Coastline File |
read.coastline.openstreetmap | Read a Coastline File in Openstreetmap Format |
read.coastline.shapefile | Read a Coastline File in Shapefile Format |
read.ctd | Read a General CTD File |
read.ctd.itp | Read an ITP-type CTD File |
read.ctd.odf | Read a CTD file in ODF format |
read.ctd.sbe | Read a Seabird CTD File |
read.ctd.woce | Read a WOCE-type CTD file with First Word "CTD" |
read.ctd.woce.other | Read a WOCE-type CTD file with First Word "EXPOCODE" |
read.echosounder | Read an Echosounder File |
read.g1sst | Read a G1SST file |
read.gps | Read a GPS File |
read.index | Read a NOAA ocean index file |
read.landsat | Read a landsat File Directory |
read.lisst | Read a LISST File |
read.lobo | Read a LOBO File |
read.met | Read a met File |
read.netcdf | Read a NetCDF File |
read.oce | Read an Oceanographic Data File |
read.odf | Read an ODF file |
read.rsk | Read a Rsk file |
read.sealevel | Read a Sealevel File |
read.section | Read a Section File |
read.topo | Read a Topo File |
read.woa | Read a World Ocean Atlas NetCDF File |
renameData | Rename items in the data slot of an oce object |
rescale | Rescale values to lie in a given range |
resizableLabel | Provide axis names in adjustable sizes |
retime | Adjust the time within Oce object |
rotateAboutZ | Rotate velocity components within an oce object |
rsk | Sample Rsk Dataset |
rsk-class | Class to Store Rsk Data |
rsk2ctd | Create a ctd Object from an rsk Object |
rskPatm | Estimate Atmospheric Pressure in Rsk Object |
rskToc | Decode table-of-contents File from a Rsk File |
runlm | Calculate running linear models |
satellite-class | Class to Store Satellite Data |
sealevel | Sealevel data for Halifax Harbour |
sealevel-class | Class to Store Sealevel Data |
sealevelTuktoyaktuk | Sea-level data set acquired in 1975 at Tuktoyaktuk |
secondsToCtime | Time interval as colon-separated string |
section | Hydrographic section |
section-class | Class to Store Hydrographic Section Data |
sectionAddCtd | Add a CTD Station to a Section |
sectionAddStation | Add a CTD Station to a Section |
sectionGrid | Grid a Section in Pressure Space |
sectionSmooth | Smooth a Section |
sectionSort | Sort a Section |
setFlags | Set data-quality flags within a oce object |
setFlags-method | Set data-quality flags within a adp object |
setFlags-method | Set data-quality flags within a ctd object |
setFlags-method | Set data-quality flags within a oce object |
shiftLongitude | Shift Longitude to Range -180 to 180 |
showMetadataItem | Show metadata item |
siderealTime | Convert a POSIXt time to a sidereal time |
standardDepths | Standard Oceanographic Depths |
standardizeLongitude | Put longitude in the range from -180 to 180 |
subset-method | Subset an ADP Object |
subset-method | Subset an ADV Object |
subset-method | Subset an amsr Object |
subset-method | Subset an Argo Object |
subset-method | Subset a CM Object |
subset-method | Subset a Coastline Object |
subset-method | Subset a CTD Object |
subset-method | Subset an Echosounder Object |
subset-method | Subset a LOBO Object |
subset-method | Subset a met Object |
subset-method | Subset an oce Object |
subset-method | Subset an ODF object |
subset-method | Subset a Rsk Object |
subset-method | Subset a Sealevel Object |
subset-method | Subset a Section Object |
subset-method | Subset a Topo Object |
subtractBottomVelocity | Subtract Bottom Velocity from ADP |
summary-method | Summarize an ADP Object |
summary-method | Summarize an ADV object |
summary-method | Summarize an AMSR Object |
summary-method | Summarize an Argo Object |
summary-method | Summarize a Bremen Object |
summary-method | Summarize a CM Object |
summary-method | Summarize a Coastline Object |
summary-method | Summarize a CTD Object |
summary-method | Summarize an Echosounder Object |
summary-method | Summarize a GPS Object |
summary-method | Summarize an ladp object |
summary-method | Summarize a landsat Object |
summary-method | Summarize a LISST Object |
summary-method | Summarize a LOBO Object |
summary-method | Summarize a met Object |
summary-method | Summarize an oce Object |
summary-method | Summarize an ODF Object |
summary-method | Summarize a Rsk Object |
summary-method | Summarize a satellite object |
summary-method | Summarize a Sealevel Object |
summary-method | Summarize a Section Object |
summary-method | Summarize a Tidem Object |
summary-method | Summarize A Topo Object |
summary-method | Summarize a 'windrose' object |
summary.adp | Summarize an ADP Object |
sunAngle | Solar Angle as Function of Space and Time |
swAbsoluteSalinity | Seawater absolute salinity, in GSW formulation |
swAlpha | Seawater thermal expansion coefficient |
swAlphaOverBeta | Ratio of seawater thermal expansion coefficient to haline contraction coefficient |
swBeta | Seawater haline contraction coefficient |
swConservativeTemperature | Seawater conservative temperature, in GSW formulation |
swCSTp | Electrical conductivity ratio from salinity, temperature and pressure |
swDepth | Water depth |
swDynamicHeight | Dynamic height of seawater profile |
swLapseRate | Seawater lapse rate |
swN2 | Squared buoyancy frequency for seawater |
swPressure | Water pressure |
swRho | Seawater density |
swRrho | Density ratio |
swSCTp | Practical salinity from electrical conductivity, temperature and pressure |
swSigma | Seawater density anomaly |
swSigma0 | Seawater potential density anomaly referenced to surface pressure |
swSigma1 | Seawater potential density anomaly referenced to 1000db pressure |
swSigma2 | Seawater potential density anomaly referenced to 2000db pressure |
swSigma3 | Seawater potential density anomaly referenced to 3000db pressure |
swSigma4 | Seawater potential density anomaly referenced to 4000db pressure |
swSigmaT | Seawater quasi-potential density anomaly |
swSigmaTheta | Seawater potential density anomaly |
swSoundAbsorption | Seawater sound absorption in dB/m |
swSoundSpeed | Seawater sound speed |
swSpecificHeat | Seawater specific heat Source= http://sam.ucsd.edu/sio210/propseawater/ppsw_fortran/ppsw.f check value: cpsw = 3849.500 j/(kg deg. c) for s = 40 (ipss-78), |
swSpice | Seawater spiciness |
swSTrho | Seawater salinity from temperature and density |
swTFreeze | Seawater freezing temperature |
swThermalConductivity | Seawater thermal conductivity |
swTheta | Seawater potential temperature |
swTSrho | Seawater temperature from salinity and density |
swViscosity | Seawater viscosity |
swZ | Vertical coordinate |
T68fromT90 | Convert from ITS-90 to IPTS-68 temperature |
T90fromT48 | Convert from ITS-48 to ITS-90 temperature |
T90fromT68 | Convert from IPTS-68 to ITS-90 temperature |
tail.oce | Extract the End of an Oce Object |
threenum | Calculate min, mean, and max values |
tidedata | Tidal Constituent Information |
tidem | Fit a Tidem (Tidal Model) to a Timeseries |
tidem-class | Class to Store Tidal Models |
tidemAstron | Astronomical Calculations for Tidem |
tidemVuf | Nodal Modulation Calculations for Tidem |
titleCase | Capitalize first letter of each of a vector of words |
toEnu | Rotate acoustic-Doppler data to the enu coordinate system |
toEnuAdp | Convert an ADP Object to ENU Coordinates |
toEnuAdv | Convert an ADV Object to ENU Coordinates |
topo-class | Class to Store Topographic Data |
topoInterpolate | Interpolate Within a Topo Object |
topoWorld | Global Topographic Dataset at Half-degree Resolution |
trimString | Remove leading and trailing whitespace from strings |
unabbreviateYear | Determine year from various abbreviations |
undriftTime | Correct for drift in instrument clock |
unduplicateNames | Rename duplicated character strings |
ungrid | Extract (x, y, z) from (x, y, grid) |
unitFromString | Decode units, from strings |
unitFromStringRsk | Infer Rsk units from a vector of strings |
unwrapAngle | Unwrap an angle that suffers modulo-360 problems |
useHeading | Replace the Heading for One Instrument With That of Another |
usrLonLat | Calculate lon-lat coordinates of plot-box trace |
utm2lonlat | Convert UTM to Longitude and Latitude |
vectorShow | Show some values from a vector |
velocityStatistics | Report Statistics of adp or adv Velocities |
webtide | Get a Tidal Prediction from a WebTide Database |
wind | Wind dataset |
window.oce | Window an Oce Object by Time or Distance |
windrose-class | Class to Store Windrose Data |
woceNames2oceNames | Translate WOCE Data Names to Oce Data Names |
woceUnit2oceUnit | Translate WOCE units to oce units |
write.ctd | Write a CTD Data Object as a CSV File |
xyzToEnu | Convert Acoustic-Doppler Data From xyz to enu Coordinates |
xyzToEnuAdp | Convert ADP From XYZ to ENU Coordinates |
xyzToEnuAdpAD2CP | Convert ADP2CP adp object From XYZ to ENU Coordinates |
xyzToEnuAdv | Convert an ADP from XYZ to ENU Coordinates |
[[-method | Extract Something from an adp Object |
[[-method | Extract Something from an adv Object |
[[-method | Extract Something From an amsr Object |
[[-method | Extract Something From an Argo Object |
[[-method | Extract Something From a Bremen Object |
[[-method | Extract Something From a CM Object |
[[-method | Extract Something From a Coastline Object |
[[-method | Extract Something From a CTD Object |
[[-method | Extract Something from an Echosounder Object |
[[-method | Extract Something From a G1SST Object |
[[-method | Extract Something From a GPS Object |
[[-method | Extract Something From an ladp Object |
[[-method | Extract Something From a landsat Object |
[[-method | Extract Something From a LISST Object |
[[-method | Extract Something From a LOBO Object |
[[-method | Extract Something From a met Object |
[[-method | Extract Something From an oce Object |
[[-method | Extract Something From an ODF Object |
[[-method | Extract Something From a Rsk Object |
[[-method | Extract Something From a Sealevel Object |
[[-method | Extract Something From a Section Object |
[[-method | Extract Something From a Tidem Object |
[[-method | Extract Something From a Topo Object |
[[-method | Extract Something From a Windrose Object |
[[<--method | Replace Parts of an ADP Object |
[[<--method | Replace Parts of an ADV Object |
[[<--method | Replace Parts of an AMSR Object |
[[<--method | Replace Parts of an Argo Object |
[[<--method | Replace Parts of a Bremen Object |
[[<--method | Replace Parts of a CM Object |
[[<--method | Replace Parts of a Coastline Object |
[[<--method | Replace Parts of a CTD Object |
[[<--method | Replace Parts of an Echosounder Object |
[[<--method | Replace Parts of a G1SST Object |
[[<--method | Replace Parts of a GPS Object |
[[<--method | Replace Parts of a ladp Object |
[[<--method | Replace Parts of a landsat Object |
[[<--method | Replace Parts of a LISST Object |
[[<--method | Replace Parts of a LOBO Object |
[[<--method | Replace Parts of a met Object |
[[<--method | Replace Parts of an Oce Object |
[[<--method | Replace Parts of an ODF Object |
[[<--method | Replace Parts of a Rsk Object |
[[<--method | Replace Parts of a Sealevel Object |
[[<--method | Replace Parts of a Section Object |
[[<--method | Replace Parts of a Tidem Object |
[[<--method | Replace Parts of a Topo Object |
[[<--method | Replace Parts of a Windrose Object |