Gibbs Sea Water Functions

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gsw-package R implementation of Thermodynamic Equation Of Seawater - 2010 (TEOS-10)

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gsw R implementation of Thermodynamic Equation Of Seawater - 2010 (TEOS-10)
gsw_adiabatic_lapse_rate_from_CT Adiabatic Lapse Rate
gsw_adiabatic_lapse_rate_ice Adiabatic Lapse Rate of Ice
gsw_alpha Thermal expansion coefficient with respect to Conservative Temperature
gsw_alpha_on_beta Thermal expansion coefficient over haline contraction coefficient
gsw_alpha_wrt_t_exact Thermal expansion coefficient with respect to in-situ temperature
gsw_alpha_wrt_t_ice Ice Thermal Expansion Coefficient with Respect to in-situ Temperature
gsw_beta Haline contraction coefficient at constant Conservative Temperature
gsw_beta_const_t_exact Haline contraction coefficient at constant in-situ temperature
gsw_cabbeling Cabbeling coefficient
gsw_chem_potential_water_ice Chemical Potential of Ice
gsw_chem_potential_water_t_exact Chemical Potential of Water in Seawater
gsw_cp_ice Specific heat to ice
gsw_cp_t_exact Isobaric heat capacity
gsw_CT_first_derivatives First Derivatives of Conservative Temperature
gsw_CT_first_derivatives_wrt_t_exact Derivatives of Conservative Temperature with Respect to or at Constant in-situ Temperature
gsw_CT_freezing Conservative Temperature of Freezing Seawater
gsw_CT_freezing_first_derivatives First Derivatives of Conservative Temperature for Freezing Water
gsw_CT_freezing_first_derivatives_poly First Derivatives of Conservative Temperature for Freezing Water (Polynomial version)
gsw_CT_freezing_poly Conservative Temperature Freezing Point (Polynomial version)
gsw_CT_from_enthalpy Conservative Temperature from Enthalpy
gsw_CT_from_entropy Conservative Temperature from Entropy
gsw_CT_from_pt Conservative Temperature from Potential Temperature
gsw_CT_from_rho Conservative Temperature from Density, Absolute Salinity and Pressure
gsw_CT_from_t Convert from temperature to conservative temperature
gsw_CT_maxdensity Conservative Temperature at Maximum Density
gsw_CT_second_derivatives Second Derivatives of Conservative Temperature
gsw_C_from_SP Electrical Conductivity from Practical Salinity
gsw_deltaSA_from_SP Absolute Salinity Anomaly from Practical Salinity
gsw_dilution_coefficient_t_exact Dilution coefficient
gsw_dynamic_enthalpy Dynamic enthalpy of seawater (75-term equation)
gsw_enthalpy Specific enthalpy of seawater (75-term equation)
gsw_enthalpy_CT_exact Seawater Specific Enthalpy in terms of Conservative Temperature
gsw_enthalpy_diff Specific Enthalpy Difference with Pressure
gsw_enthalpy_first_derivatives First Derivatives of Enthalpy
gsw_enthalpy_first_derivatives_CT_exact First Derivatives of Enthalpy wrt CT
gsw_enthalpy_ice Ice Specific Enthalpy
gsw_enthalpy_second_derivatives Second Derivatives of Enthalpy
gsw_enthalpy_second_derivatives_CT_exact Second Derivatives of Enthalpy (exact)
gsw_enthalpy_t_exact Seawater Specific Enthalpy in terms of in-situ Temperature
gsw_entropy_first_derivatives First Derivatives of Entropy
gsw_entropy_from_pt Specific Entropy ito Absolute Salinity and Potential Temperature
gsw_entropy_from_t Specific Entropy i.t.o. Absolute Salinity, Temperature, and Pressure
gsw_entropy_ice Entropy of ice
gsw_entropy_second_derivatives Second Derivatives of Entropy
gsw_Fdelta Ratio of Absolute to Preformed Salinity, minus 1
gsw_frazil_properties Properties of Frazil ice
gsw_frazil_properties_potential Properties of Frazil ice i.t.o. potential enthalpy
gsw_frazil_properties_potential_poly Properties of Frazil ice i.t.o. potential enthalpy (polynomial version)
gsw_frazil_ratios_adiabatic Ratios of SA, CT and p changes when Frazil Ice Forms
gsw_frazil_ratios_adiabatic_poly Ratios of SA, CT and p changes when Frazil Ice Forms (polynomial form)
gsw_geo_strf_dyn_height Geostrophic Dynamic Height Anomaly
gsw_geo_strf_dyn_height_pc Geostrophic Dynamic Height Anomaly (Piecewise-Constant Profile)
gsw_gibbs Gibbs Energy of Seawater, and its Derivatives
gsw_gibbs_ice Gibbs Energy of Ice, and its Derivatives
gsw_grav Gravitational Acceleration
gsw_Helmholtz_energy_ice Helmholtz Energy of Ice
gsw_ice_fraction_to_freeze_seawater Ice Fraction to Cool Seawater to Freezing
gsw_internal_energy Specific Internal Energy of Seawater (75-term equation)
gsw_internal_energy_ice Specific Internal Energy of Ice (75-term equation)
gsw_IPV_vs_fNsquared_ratio Ratio of vert. gradient of pot. density to vert grad of locally-referenced pot density
gsw_kappa Isentropic Compressibility of Seawater (75-term equation)
gsw_kappa_const_t_ice Isothermal Compressibility of Ice
gsw_kappa_ice Isentropic Compressibility of Ice
gsw_kappa_t_exact Isentropic compressibility of seawater (exact)
gsw_latentheat_evap_CT Latent heat of evaporation
gsw_latentheat_evap_t Latent heat of evaporation
gsw_latentheat_melting Latent Heat of Melting
gsw_melting_ice_equilibrium_SA_CT_ratio Calculate d(SA)/d(CT) for Ice Melting in near-freezing Seawater
gsw_melting_ice_equilibrium_SA_CT_ratio_poly Calculate d(SA)/d(CT) for Ice Melting in near-freezing Seawater (Polynomial version)
gsw_melting_ice_into_seawater Calculate properties related to ice melting in seawater
gsw_melting_ice_SA_CT_ratio Calculate d(SA)/d(CT) for Ice Melting in Seawater
gsw_melting_ice_SA_CT_ratio_poly Calculate d(SA)/d(CT) for Ice Melting in Seawater (Polynomial version)
gsw_melting_seaice_into_seawater Calculate properties related to seaice melting in seawater
gsw_Nsquared Calculate Brunt Vaisala Frequency squared
gsw_pot_enthalpy_from_pt_ice Potential Enthalpy of Ice
gsw_pot_enthalpy_from_pt_ice_poly Potential Enthalpy of Ice (Polynomial version)
gsw_pot_enthalpy_ice_freezing Potential Enthalpy of Ice at Freezing Point
gsw_pot_enthalpy_ice_freezing_first_derivatives First Derivatives of Potential Enthalpy
gsw_pot_enthalpy_ice_freezing_first_derivatives_poly First Derivatives of Potential Enthalpy (Polynomial version)
gsw_pot_enthalpy_ice_freezing_poly Potential Enthalpy of Ice at Freezing Point (Polynomial version)
gsw_pot_rho_t_exact Potential density
gsw_pressure_coefficient_ice Pressure Coefficient for Ice
gsw_pressure_freezing_CT Pressure at which Seawater Freezes
gsw_pt0_from_t Potential temperature referenced to the surface
gsw_pt0_from_t_ice Potential Temperature of Ice Referenced to the Surface
gsw_pt_first_derivatives First Derivatives of Potential Temperature
gsw_pt_from_CT Potential temperature from Conservative Temperature
gsw_pt_from_entropy Potential Temperature from Entropy
gsw_pt_from_pot_enthalpy_ice Potential Temperature from Potential Enthalpy of Ice
gsw_pt_from_pot_enthalpy_ice_poly Potential Temperature from Potential Enthalpy of Ice (Polynomial version)
gsw_pt_from_t Potential Temperature from in-situ Temperature
gsw_pt_from_t_ice Potential Temperature of Ice from in-situ Temperature
gsw_pt_second_derivatives Second Derivatives of Potential Temperature
gsw_p_from_z Pressure from height (75-term equation)
gsw_rho In-situ density
gsw_rho_alpha_beta In-situ density, thermal expansion coefficient and haline contraction coefficient (75-term equation)
gsw_rho_first_derivatives Density First Derivatives wrt SA, CT and p (75-term equation)
gsw_rho_first_derivatives_wrt_enthalpy Density First Derivatives wrt enthalpy (75-term equation)
gsw_rho_ice In-situ density of ice
gsw_rho_second_derivatives Second Derivatives of Density
gsw_rho_second_derivatives_wrt_enthalpy Second Derivatives of Density wrt Enthalpy
gsw_rho_t_exact In-situ Density of Seawater
gsw_SAAR Absolute Salinity Anomaly Ratio
gsw_SA_freezing_from_CT Compute Absolute Salinity at Freezing Conservative Temperature
gsw_SA_freezing_from_CT_poly Compute Absolute Salinity at Freezing Point (Polynomial version)
gsw_SA_freezing_from_t Compute Absolute Salinity at Freezing in-situ Temperature
gsw_SA_freezing_from_t_poly Compute Absolute Salinity at Freezing in-situ Temperature (Polynomial version)
gsw_SA_from_rho Compute Absolute Salinity from Density, etc
gsw_SA_from_SP Convert from Practical Salinity to Absolute Salinity
gsw_SA_from_SP_Baltic Convert from Practical Salinity to Absolute Salinity (Baltic)
gsw_SA_from_Sstar Absolute Salinity from Preformed Salinity
gsw_seaice_fraction_to_freeze_seawater Sea ice Fraction to Cool Seawater to Freezing
gsw_sigma0 Potential density anomaly referenced to 0 dbar
gsw_sigma1 Potential density anomaly referenced to 1000 dbar
gsw_sigma2 Potential density anomaly referenced to 2000 dbar
gsw_sigma3 Potential density anomaly referenced to 3000 dbar
gsw_sigma4 Potential density anomaly referenced to 4000 dbar
gsw_sound_speed Sound speed
gsw_sound_speed_ice Sound speed in ice
gsw_sound_speed_t_exact Sound Speed in Seawater
gsw_specvol Specific Volume of Seawater
gsw_specvol_alpha_beta Specific Volume, alpha, and beta
gsw_specvol_anom_standard Specific volume anomaly [standard] (75-term equation)
gsw_specvol_first_derivatives First Derivatives of Specific Volume
gsw_specvol_first_derivatives_wrt_enthalpy First Derivatives of Specific Volume wrt Enthalpy
gsw_specvol_ice Specific Volume of Ice
gsw_specvol_second_derivatives Second Derivatives of Specific Volume
gsw_specvol_second_derivatives_wrt_enthalpy Second Derivatives of Specific Volume wrt Enthalpy
gsw_specvol_t_exact Specific Volume of Seawater
gsw_spiciness0 Seawater Spiciness at p=0 dbar
gsw_spiciness1 Seawater Spiciness at p=1000 dbar
gsw_spiciness2 Seawater Spiciness at p=2000 dbar
gsw_SP_from_C Convert from Electrical Conductivity to Practical Salinity
gsw_SP_from_SA Convert from Absolute Salinity to Practical Salinity
gsw_SP_from_SK Calculate Practical Salinity from Knudsen Salinity
gsw_SP_from_SR Calculate Practical Salinity from Reference Salinity
gsw_SP_from_Sstar Practical Salinity from Preformed Salinity
gsw_SR_from_SP Calculate Reference Salinity from Practical Salinity
gsw_Sstar_from_SA Convert from Absolute Salinity to Preformed Salinity
gsw_Sstar_from_SP Convert from Practical Salinity to Preformed Salinity
gsw_thermobaric Thermobaric coefficient (75-term equation)
gsw_Turner_Rsubrho Turner Angle and Density Ratio
gsw_t_deriv_chem_potential_water_t_exact Derivative of Chemical Potential of Water in Seawater wrt Temperature
gsw_t_freezing Freezing Temperature of Seawater
gsw_t_freezing_first_derivatives Derivatives of Freezing Water Properties
gsw_t_freezing_first_derivatives_poly Derivatives of Freezing Water Properties (Polynomial version)
gsw_t_from_CT In situ temperature from Conservative Temperature
gsw_t_from_pt0_ice In situ Temperature from Potential Temperature at 0dbar
gsw_z_from_p Height from Pressure

-- S --

saar Global SA lookup file