A Grammar of Data Manipulation

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Documentation for package ‘dplyr’ version 0.8.3

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dplyr-package dplyr: a grammar of data manipulation

-- A --

add_count Count/tally observations by group
add_tally Count/tally observations by group
all.equal.tbl_df Flexible equality comparison for data frames
all_equal Flexible equality comparison for data frames
all_vars Apply predicate to all variables
anti_join Join two tbls together
anti_join.tbl_df Join data frame tbls
any_vars Apply predicate to all variables
arrange Arrange rows by variables
arrange.grouped_df Arrange rows by variables
arrange_all Arrange rows by a selection of variables
arrange_at Arrange rows by a selection of variables
arrange_if Arrange rows by a selection of variables
as.data.frame.tbl_cube Coerce a 'tbl_cube' to other data structures
as.table.tbl_cube Coerce a 'tbl_cube' to other data structures
as.tbl Create a table from a data source
as.tbl_cube Coerce an existing data structure into a 'tbl_cube'
as.tbl_cube.array Coerce an existing data structure into a 'tbl_cube'
as.tbl_cube.data.frame Coerce an existing data structure into a 'tbl_cube'
as.tbl_cube.matrix Coerce an existing data structure into a 'tbl_cube'
as.tbl_cube.table Coerce an existing data structure into a 'tbl_cube'
as_tibble.tbl_cube Coerce a 'tbl_cube' to other data structures
auto_copy Copy tables to same source, if necessary

-- B --

band_instruments Band membership
band_instruments2 Band membership
band_members Band membership
between Do values in a numeric vector fall in specified range?
bind Efficiently bind multiple data frames by row and column
bind_cols Efficiently bind multiple data frames by row and column
bind_rows Efficiently bind multiple data frames by row and column

-- C --

case_when A general vectorised if
coalesce Find first non-missing element
collapse Force computation of a database query
collect Force computation of a database query
combine Combine vectors
compute Force computation of a database query
copy_to Copy a local data frame to a remote src
count Count/tally observations by group
cumall Cumulativate versions of any, all, and mean
cumany Cumulativate versions of any, all, and mean
cume_dist Windowed rank functions.
cummean Cumulativate versions of any, all, and mean
current_vars Select variables

-- D --

dense_rank Windowed rank functions.
desc Descending order
distinct Select distinct/unique rows
distinct_all Select distinct rows by a selection of variables
distinct_at Select distinct rows by a selection of variables
distinct_if Select distinct rows by a selection of variables
do Do anything
dplyr dplyr: a grammar of data manipulation
dr_dplyr Dr Dplyr checks your installation for common problems.

-- E --

explain Explain details of a tbl

-- F --

filter Return rows with matching conditions
filter_all Filter within a selection of variables
filter_at Filter within a selection of variables
filter_if Filter within a selection of variables
first Extract the first, last or nth value from a vector
full_join Join two tbls together
full_join.tbl_df Join data frame tbls
funs Create a list of functions calls.

-- G --

groups Return grouping variables
group_by Group by one or more variables
group_by_all Group by a selection of variables
group_by_at Group by a selection of variables
group_by_drop_default Default value for .drop argument of group_by
group_by_if Group by a selection of variables
group_cols Select grouping variables
group_data Grouping data
group_keys Split data frame by groups
group_map Apply a function to each group
group_modify Apply a function to each group
group_rows Grouping data
group_split Split data frame by groups
group_trim Trim grouping structure
group_vars Return grouping variables
group_walk Apply a function to each group

-- H --

hybrid_call Inspect how dplyr evaluates an expression

-- I --

ident Flag a character vector as SQL identifiers
if_else Vectorised if
inner_join Join two tbls together
inner_join.tbl_df Join data frame tbls
intersect Set operations
is.tbl Create a table from a data source

-- J --

join Join two tbls together
join.tbl_df Join data frame tbls

-- L --

lag Lead and lag.
last Extract the first, last or nth value from a vector
lead Lead and lag.
lead-lag Lead and lag.
left_join Join two tbls together
left_join.tbl_df Join data frame tbls

-- M --

min_rank Windowed rank functions.
mutate Create or transform variables
mutate_all Mutate multiple columns
mutate_at Mutate multiple columns
mutate_if Mutate multiple columns

-- N --

n The number of observations in the current group.
nasa NASA spatio-temporal data
na_if Convert values to NA
near Compare two numeric vectors
nest_join Join two tbls together
nest_join.data.frame Join data frame tbls
nest_join.tbl_df Join data frame tbls
nth Extract the first, last or nth value from a vector
ntile Windowed rank functions.
n_distinct Efficiently count the number of unique values in a set of vector

-- O --

order_by A helper function for ordering window function output

-- P --

percent_rank Windowed rank functions.
pull Pull out a single variable

-- R --

ranking Windowed rank functions.
rbind_all Efficiently bind multiple data frames by row and column
rbind_list Efficiently bind multiple data frames by row and column
recode Recode values
recode_factor Recode values
rename Select/rename variables by name
rename_all Select and rename a selection of variables
rename_at Select and rename a selection of variables
rename_if Select and rename a selection of variables
rename_vars Select variables
right_join Join two tbls together
right_join.tbl_df Join data frame tbls
rowwise Group input by rows
row_number Windowed rank functions.

-- S --

sample Sample n rows from a table
sample_frac Sample n rows from a table
sample_n Sample n rows from a table
scoped Operate on a selection of variables
select Select/rename variables by name
select_all Select and rename a selection of variables
select_at Select and rename a selection of variables
select_if Select and rename a selection of variables
select_var Select variables
select_vars Select variables
semi_join Join two tbls together
semi_join.tbl_df Join data frame tbls
setdiff Set operations
setequal Set operations
setops Set operations
show_query Explain details of a tbl
slice Choose rows by position
sql SQL escaping.
src_dbi Source for database backends
src_mysql Source for database backends
src_postgres Source for database backends
src_sqlite Source for database backends
starwars Starwars characters
storms Storm tracks data
summarise Reduce multiple values down to a single value
summarise_all Summarise multiple columns
summarise_at Summarise multiple columns
summarise_if Summarise multiple columns
summarize Reduce multiple values down to a single value
summarize_all Summarise multiple columns
summarize_at Summarise multiple columns
summarize_if Summarise multiple columns

-- T --

tally Count/tally observations by group
tbl Create a table from a data source
tbl_cube A data cube tbl
top_frac Select top (or bottom) n rows (by value)
top_n Select top (or bottom) n rows (by value)
transmute Create or transform variables
transmute_all Mutate multiple columns
transmute_at Mutate multiple columns
transmute_if Mutate multiple columns

-- U --

ungroup Group by one or more variables
union Set operations
union_all Set operations

-- V --

vars Select variables