11am - 12pm
In this section we will start using the RStudio server and become familiar with the interface.
A brief overview is shown on this link. In the session I will spend some time explaining the interface in more detail with attention to the help available within RStudio.
12 - 1pm
In this section I will introduce the basic elements of the R language. If you are already familiar with R you may take a coffee break, but this will be new to those who have never seen R before.
Timing slightly flexible, but aim to take to a break from around 1pm to 2pm.
In this section we will look at how to organise work in R efficiently and neatly using projects and markdown documents. This ensures reproducibility.
2pm - 2:30
This section will begin to demonstrate some more advanced features of R. R can be linked to online data in many ways. This example is a relatively simple one.
2:30 - 3.30 pm
Modern data processing in R is based around the “tidyverse”. This is a set of R packages designed to make data procesing in R efficient and human readable. Learning to take full advantage of this takes some time. In this session you will get a quick taste for the tidy way of working with data.
3pm - 4pm
Agata Wezyk FST agatat
Andy Johnson FST andyt
Ben Parker FST benp
Chloe Casey FHSS chloec
Claire Forbes FHSS clairec
Elizabeth Waithaka FHSS elizabethw
Evgeniya Malikova FMC evgeniyam
Heather Tamminen FST heathert
Hina Tariq FHSS hinat
Katie Thompson FST katiet
Ogochukwu Ijezie FHSS ogochukwui
Owen Kearn FST owen
Richard Rowley FST richardr
Samantha De Simone FST samanthad
Soheon Kim FM soheonk
Vanessa Bartholomew FHSS vanessak
Victoria Adedeji FST victoriaa