Dynamic maps

How to use

This page consists of a mini GIS to investigate the ONS annual death statistics for 2020.

To use in full screen mode from this rpubs document right click the full screen icon (square in the top left corner). Then select open in new tab. You can then go into full screen mode by clicking again on the square and investigate the map results in greater detail by zooming in to local areas.

Clicking on any polygon for each local authority shows the total all cause mortality recorded and the deaths attributed to covid together with the total population.

The dynamic maps will play through the changes in relative deaths by clicking on the time slider.

Local authorities

Covid and other deaths barchart

Numbers are the deaths per ten thousand of the population. Zoom in to an area to see detail.

Covid and other deaths piechart

Numbers are the deaths per ten thousand of the population. Zoom in to an area to see detail.

Covid deaths

Numbers are the deaths per ten thousand of the population. Zoom in to an area to see detail.

Other deaths

Numbers are the deaths per ten thousand of the population.Zoom in to an area to see detail.