Viral evolution and origins of SARS-CoV-2

Duncan Golicher


Viral evolution

Evolution and phylogeny

Species concept as applied to viruses

Modified definitions

Overlaps between SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2

Non-identical base pairs

Phylogeny of coronaviruses

Time since divergence

Knowing time since divergence key to understanding viral evolution and viral “novelty”.

  1. Find a good match between the phylogenetic tree of viruses and that of their hosts. Assume co-divergence (not usually possible as few viruses are narrowly host specific .. can work for DNA viruses .. not generally RNA)
  2. Find endogenous genome copies within the host: Use the substitution rate of the host (similar to 1)
  3. Measure current evolution (i.e mutations fixed during time frame of human observation)

RNA viruses

Molecular clock


Geoghegan and Holmes (2018)

Quasispecies evolution

Quasispecies evolution

Quasispecies and SARS-Cov-2?



Humans vs wildlife


Co-infections and recombination

Recombination in SARS?

(Graham and Baric 2010)


Bats, cats, rats (+ mustelids and primates)

Why bats?

Bat viral diversity

(Wu et al. 2016)

Studies of bat coronavirus diversity

(Drexler, Corman, and Drosten 2014a)


Illustrative studies in bats

Inter genus host switches

(Latinne et al. 2020)


(Cui, Li, and Shi 2019)

Cats as intermediate hosts

Cats in china

Cats and SARS-Cov-2

(Zhang et al. 2020)

(Musso et al. 2020)


Furin cleavage site

Muth et al. (2018)

Corman et al. (2020)

Assumptions of lab origin theory

Assumptions of zoonotic origin theory

Implications of lab origin theory

Implications of the zoonotic origin theory


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