In this handout we will see how to load the data for the spatial task of the assignment into R and visualise it using dynamic maps. These maps can’t be printed directly (although the output can be captured as screenshots). However they allow you to explore the datavery thoroughly.
The tidyverse packages are required for most work with spatial data. In order to load and analyse vector data the sf package is required. For some analyses (not those here) you also need the sp package, which uses the earlier format for spatial data. The mapview package is a really useful add on to R that allows spatial data to be viewed as “slippy” maps over online base maps. These maps can be zoomed, panned and interrogated using the mouse. Mapview maps are very similar to the interface provided to visualise data in a desktop GIS. The leafletextras package allows some extra features such as full screen controls and measuring tools to be added. The tmap package produces printable maps. Rcolorbrewer is useful for designing palettes and colour schemes for maps.
The data are provided in the form of ESRI shapefiles. These are commonly used for spatial data due to the dominance of ESRI’s software for GIS work. Each data set is held as a combination of files with the same name, but with different extensions. You need to have all these files in order to work with the data (not just the file with .shp extension). However you only need to load in the file with this .shp extension in order to get the data into R.
birds<- st_read("Bird-data-v1.shp")
## Reading layer `Bird-data-v1' from data source
## `/home/rstudio/webpages/books/qs24_spatial/Bird-data-v1.shp'
## using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
## Simple feature collection with 16732 features and 1 field
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension: XY
## Bounding box: xmin: 378500 ymin: 75500.02 xmax: 435500 ymax: 113000.1
## Projected CRS: OSGB 1936 / British National Grid
Notice the information provided by R about the data. They are points and the coordinate reference system used in British National grid.
## Reading layer `Land-cover-data-v1' from data source
## `/home/rstudio/webpages/books/qs24_spatial/Land-cover-data-v1.shp'
## using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
## Simple feature collection with 9 features and 1 field
## Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
## Dimension: XY
## Bounding box: xmin: 378387 ymin: 75197.4 xmax: 435753 ymax: 113266
## Projected CRS: OSGB 1936 / British National Grid
In this case the geometries are multipolygons. In other words, there are multiple polygons associated with each land use type. It is possible to split these into single polygons for some analyses.
An area attribute can be added to the data. In this case the area would be the total for all the polygons making up each land use class. The results are provided in the form of a “units” class, so the units library can be used for easy conversion between square meters and square kilometers. Note that as the geometries are very complex they need to be dropped before looking at the results as a table.
habitat$Area<-drop_units(set_units(st_area(habitat), km^2))
habitat %>% st_drop_geometry()
## LandCover Area
## 1 Arable 316.56388
## 2 Coastal 31.48573
## 3 Freshwater 11.08190
## 4 Grassland 479.09516
## 5 Heathland 170.76895
## 6 Saltwater 11.86812
## 7 Suburban 183.56570
## 8 Urban 30.44617
## 9 Woodland 330.05616
The mapview package in R is a great tool for quickly looking at spatial data and planning analyses in R. It also makes maps that are useful for sharing with others. However you do need to be aware of the limitations. Some things that can be done with a bespoke GIS such as QGIS are not possible using mapview.
Mapview has the following limitations.
When the data are visualised using mapview a series of base maps are available. The basemaps can be set before making the maps. Check for other options to use.
mapviewOptions(basemaps =c("Esri.WorldImagery",
"Esri.WorldShadedRelief"), homebutton = FALSE)
Finding the best colours to use for any map can be the hardest part of the process. The RColorBrewer package has a range of options. Check the documentation to see them.
pal<- brewer.pal(12,"Paired")
The point data on the bird observations can be visualised by species. If the “burst” option is used when forming a mapview then each species can be selected in turn. It is always worth adding a full screen option to the maps (from the leaflet.extras package) in order to look at the map more closely. Notice that the map can be saved as an object in R before visualising it by typing its name. This can be useful for adding maps together.
mapview(birds,zcol ="Species",burst=TRUE, hide=TRUE, col.regions=pal) -> birdmap
birdmap@map %>% addFullscreenControl()
The same approach can be used to produce a map of the landcovers.
mapview(habitat,zcol="LandCover",burst=TRUE,hide=TRUE, col.region=pal) -> habitatmap
habitatmap@map %>% addFullscreenControl()