Global Roads Open Access Data Set, Version 1 (gROADSv1) February 7, 2013 DESCRIPTION This archive contains the Global Roads Open Access Data Set, Version 1 (gROADSv1), developed under the auspices of the CODATA Global Roads Data Development Task Group. The data set combines the best available public domain roads data (i.e., “open data”) by country into a global roads coverage, using the UN Spatial Data Infrastructure Transport (UNSDI-T) version 2 as a common data model. Documentation and metadata for this data set are available on the SEDAC gROADSv1 web site: ACCESSING THE DATA The data may be downloaded via the World Wide Web at The data are available as compressed zipfiles of Esri file geodatabases (global and regional) or shapefiles (regional only). Downloaded files need to be uncompressed in a single folder using either WinZip (Windows file compression utility) or similar application before they can be accessed by your GIS software package. Users should expect an increase in the size of downloaded data after decompression. Extents of Regional tiles: Region lonW lonE latN latS Africa -32 72 42 -52 Americas -180 -32 86 -58 Asia (multipart polygon) AsiaWest -180 -168.5 75 62 AsiaEast 24 180 86 -13 Europe -74 48 86 27 OceaniaWest -180 -128 29 -58 OceaniaEast 90 180 29 -58 The data are stored in geographic coordinates of decimal degrees based on the World Geodetic System spheroid of 1984 (WGS84). Users should consult the gROADSv1 documentation for complete information on the data set. CODEBOOK gROADSv1 used the UN Spatial Data Infrastructure Transport (UNSDI-T) version 2 as a common data model. The following are the field codes and full names, with sample coding. It should be mentioned that owing to the variability in source data, many of the fields could not be properly coded. UNSDITv2 Field Full Name Coding OBJECTID Shape SourceID Source ID Exs Existence Category 1=Definite, 2=Doubtful, 0=Unspecified Notes Notes RoadID Road ID ONme Official Road Name RteNme Route Name NtlClass National Inventory Road Class FClass Functional Class 1=Highway, 2=Primary, 3=Secondary, 4=Tertiary, 5=Local/ Urban, 6=Trail, 7=Private, 0=Unspecified Crgway Carriageways 1=Single, 2=Dual, 0=Unspecified NumLanes Number of lanes LneWidthM Lane Width (m) RdWidthM Road Width (m) AxleLoadMT Maximum Axle Loading (MT) TotLoadMT Maxium Total Loading (MT) SrfTpe Surface Type 1=Paved, 2=Gravel, 3=Dirt/Sand, 4=Steel, 5=Wood, 6=Grass, 0=Unspecified SrfCond Surface Condition 1=Rough (<40kph), 2=Smooth (>40kph), 3=Snow/Ice, 4=Mud, 0=Unspecified SrfPrep Surface Preparation 1=Natural Compaction, 2=Traffic Compaction, 3=Engineered Compaction, 4=Uncompacted, 0=Unspecified IsSeasonal Affected by Season 1=Yes, 2=No, 0=Unspecified" CurntPrac Current Road Practicability 1=Non-motorized, 2=Motorbike, 3=4WD <3.5MT, 4=Light Truck <10MT, 5=Heavy Truck <20MT, 6=Truck + Trailer >20MT, 0=Unspecified GdWthrPrac Good Weather Road Practicability 1=Non-motorized, 2=Motorbike, 3=4WD <3.5MT, 4=Light Truck <10MT, 5=Heavy Truck <20MT, 6=Truck + Trailer >20MT, 0=Unspecified BdWthrPrac Bad Weather Road Practicability 1=Non-motorized, 2=Motorbike, 3=4WD <3.5MT, 4=Light Truck <10MT, 5=Heavy Truck <20MT, 6=Truck + Trailer >20MT, 0=Unspecified SpeedLimit Speed Limit (Km/hr) CurntSpeed Current Average Speed GnralSpeed General Average Speed IsUndrCstr Is under Construction / Repairs 1=Yes, 2=No, 0=Unspecified CstWrkETC Construction Work Est Completion Date GradDeg Gradient (degrees) Sec Road Security Category 1=Category A (low risk), 2=Category B (low to medium risk), 3=Category C (medium to high risk), 4=Category D (high risk), 5=Category E (critical risk), 0=Unspecified HasShouldr Has Shoulder 1=Yes, 2=No, 0=Unspecified HasSidewalk Has Sidewalk 1=Yes, 2=No, 0=Unspecified DrivSide Driving Side 1=Left, 2=Right, 0=Unspecified IsElevated Is elevated/suspended above ground or water surface 1=Yes, 2=No, 0=Unspecified HasMedian Has Median 1=Yes, 2=No, 0=Unspecified OpStatus Operational Status 1=Open, 2=Restricted, 3=Closed, 4=Abandoned/Disused, 0=Unspecified Shape_Length Length of segment Length_KM Length of segment in kilometers CREDIT AND USE CONSTRAINTS Users should consult the gROADSv1 documentation for information on additional credit and use restrictions for the following countries: Andorra, Belize, Canada, Costa Rica, Gibraltar, Guatemala, Honduras, Japan, Jersey Island, Nicaragua, Panama, Pitcairn Island, Seychelles, Tuvalu, United Kingdom, and United States. DATA ERRORS, CORRECTIONS AND QUALITY ASSESSMENT CIESIN follows procedures designed to ensure that data disseminated by CIESIN are of reasonable quality. If, despite these procedures, users encounter apparent errors or misstatements in the data, they should contact us at NO WARRANTY OR LIABILITY CIESIN and the creators provide these data without any warranty of any kind whatsoever either express or implied. Neither CIESIN nor the creators shall be liable for incidental, consequential, or special damages arising out of the use of any downloaded data. CITATION The recommended citation for this dataset is: Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)/Columbia University, and Information Technology Outreach Services (ITOS)/University of Georgia. 2013. Global Roads Open Access Data Set, Version 1 (gROADSv1). Palisades, NY: NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC). Downloaded from [DATE DOWNLOADED]