Just contains some simple wrapper functions for the course

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Documentation for package ‘giscourse’ version 0.1.0

Help Pages

add_shp Add shape files to data base
connect Quick connect
disconnect Quick type disconnect
dquery Distance query Finds all geometries for a query lying within a distance of a place, found through Geocoding
emap Quick edit
extras Quick add leaflet extras
getwclim Getting World Clim data
hansen_wms Add Hansen's deforestation maps to tropical areas in WMS format This is for visualisation only
hello Hello, World!
landcover Gets the landcover for a site
make_db Super user: Make a new data base
merge_rasters Load all rasters to a table.
mkpnt Make a point
mksite Make a site frame
os5km OS 5km grid square
osm Find osm roads and paths around a site
phab_choose Choose a type of priority habitat
qmap Quick map.
sconnect Make super user connection
sssi Find sites of special scientific interest
uk_wms Add priority habitat and SSSi WMS
wldiag Walter and Leith diagram
xyquery Query within a distance from X and Y