**************************************************************** lasvoxel: This tool computes a voxelization of points. You can specify the xy and the z size of the voxel cells separately with '-step_xy 2' and '-step_z 0.3' which would create cells of size 2 by 2 by 0.3 units or use uniform sized cells of '-step 0.5'. For voxels that are infinite in z direction use option '-step_z_infinite'. By adding '-compute_mean_xyz' to the command line lasvoxel uses the average x, y, z coordinate of all points falling into a voxel instead of the center of the voxel. Please license from martin@rapidlasso.com before using lasvoxel commercially. Please note that the unlicensed version will set intensity, gps_time, user data, and point source ID to zero, slightly change the LAS point order, and randomly add a tiny bit of white noise to the points coordinates once a certain number of points in the input file is exceeded. For updates check the website or join the LAStools mailing list. http://rapidlasso.com/ http://lastools.org/ http://groups.google.com/group/lastools/ http://twitter.com/lastools/ http://facebook.com/lastools/ http://linkedin.com/groups?gid=4408378 Martin @rapidlasso **************************************************************** example usage: >> lasvoxel -v ^ -i ..\data\france.laz ^ -i ..\data\fusa.laz ^ -step 1 ^ -odix _mist -olaz voxelizing 101206 points with step_xy 1 units and step_z 1 units ... took 0.063 sec. created 15 vertical layers. outputting ... done with '..\data\france_mist.laz'. took 0.078 sec. voxelizing 277573 points with step_xy 1 m and step_z 1 m ... took 0.186 sec. created 23 vertical layers. outputting ... done with '..\data\fusa_mist.laz'. took 0.241 sec. done with all files. total time for 2 files 0.319 sec. >> lastile -i shitloadoflidar.laz ^ -tile_size 10 ^ -odir tiles -o small.laz >> lasvoxel -i tiles/small*.laz ^ -odir result -olaz >> lasmerge -i result/small*.laz ^ -o big_result.laz the above workflow is for larger areas and/or tiny voxels sizes **************************************************************** overview of all tool-specific switches: -v : more info reported in console -vv : even more info reported in console -quiet : nothing reported in console -version : reports this tool's version number -fail : fail if license expired or invalid -gui : start with files loaded into GUI -cores 4 : process multiple inputs on 4 cores in parallel -ignore_class 1 3 4 5 6 7 9 : ignores points with specified classification codes -step 1.0 : use 1 x 1 x 1 uniform grid for finding isolated points -step_xy 2.0 : set the horizontal x and y spacing of the grid to 2 -step_z 0.5 : set the vertical z spacing of the grid to 0.5 -step_z_infinite : sets the vertical z spacing to infinite (-> one layer of voxels) -compute_mean_xyz : compute averaged coordinate for output voxels -compute_IDs_and_voxel_table : https://groups.google.com/d/topic/lastools/Nc-rN5OuxY8/discussion -ilay : apply all LASlayers found in corresponding *.lay file on read -ilay 3 : apply first three LASlayers found in corresponding *.lay file on read -ilaydir E:\my_layers : look for corresponding *.lay file in directory E:\my_layers -olay : write or append classification changes to a LASlayers *.lay file -olaydir E:\my_layers : write the output *.lay file in directory E:\my_layers **************************************************************** for more info: E:\LAStools\bin>lasvoxel -h Filter points based on their coordinates. -keep_tile 631000 4834000 1000 (ll_x ll_y size) -keep_circle 630250.00 4834750.00 100 (x y radius) -keep_xy 630000 4834000 631000 4836000 (min_x min_y max_x max_y) -drop_xy 630000 4834000 631000 4836000 (min_x min_y max_x max_y) -keep_x 631500.50 631501.00 (min_x max_x) -drop_x 631500.50 631501.00 (min_x max_x) -drop_x_below 630000.50 (min_x) -drop_x_above 630500.50 (max_x) -keep_y 4834500.25 4834550.25 (min_y max_y) -drop_y 4834500.25 4834550.25 (min_y max_y) -drop_y_below 4834500.25 (min_y) -drop_y_above 4836000.75 (max_y) -keep_z 11.125 130.725 (min_z max_z) -drop_z 11.125 130.725 (min_z max_z) -drop_z_below 11.125 (min_z) -drop_z_above 130.725 (max_z) -keep_xyz 620000 4830000 100 621000 4831000 200 (min_x min_y min_z max_x max_y max_z) -drop_xyz 620000 4830000 100 621000 4831000 200 (min_x min_y min_z max_x max_y max_z) Filter points based on their return numbering. -keep_first -first_only -drop_first -keep_last -last_only -drop_last -keep_second_last -drop_second_last -keep_first_of_many -keep_last_of_many -drop_first_of_many -drop_last_of_many -keep_middle -drop_middle -keep_return 1 2 3 -drop_return 3 4 -keep_single -drop_single -keep_double -drop_double -keep_triple -drop_triple -keep_quadruple -drop_quadruple -keep_number_of_returns 5 -drop_number_of_returns 0 Filter points based on the scanline flags. -drop_scan_direction 0 -keep_scan_direction_change -keep_edge_of_flight_line Filter points based on their intensity. -keep_intensity 20 380 -drop_intensity_below 20 -drop_intensity_above 380 -drop_intensity_between 4000 5000 Filter points based on classifications or flags. -keep_class 1 3 7 -drop_class 4 2 -keep_extended_class 43 -drop_extended_class 129 135 -drop_synthetic -keep_synthetic -drop_keypoint -keep_keypoint -drop_withheld -keep_withheld -drop_overlap -keep_overlap Filter points based on their user data. -keep_user_data 1 -drop_user_data 255 -keep_user_data_below 50 -keep_user_data_above 150 -keep_user_data_between 10 20 -drop_user_data_below 1 -drop_user_data_above 100 -drop_user_data_between 10 40 Filter points based on their point source ID. -keep_point_source 3 -keep_point_source_between 2 6 -drop_point_source 27 -drop_point_source_below 6 -drop_point_source_above 15 -drop_point_source_between 17 21 Filter points based on their scan angle. -keep_scan_angle -15 15 -drop_abs_scan_angle_above 15 -drop_abs_scan_angle_below 1 -drop_scan_angle_below -15 -drop_scan_angle_above 15 -drop_scan_angle_between -25 -23 Filter points based on their gps time. -keep_gps_time 11.125 130.725 -drop_gps_time_below 11.125 -drop_gps_time_above 130.725 -drop_gps_time_between 22.0 48.0 Filter points based on their RGB/CIR/NIR channels. -keep_RGB_red 1 1 -keep_RGB_green 30 100 -keep_RGB_blue 0 0 -keep_RGB_nir 64 127 -keep_NDVI 0.2 0.7 -keep_NDVI_from_CIR -0.1 0.5 -keep_NDVI_intensity_is_NIR 0.4 0.8 -keep_NDVI_green_is_NIR -0.2 0.2 Filter points based on their wavepacket. -keep_wavepacket 0 -drop_wavepacket 3 Filter points based on extra attributes. -keep_attribute_above 0 5.0 -drop_attribute_below 1 1.5 Filter points with simple thinning. -keep_every_nth 2 -drop_every_nth 3 -keep_random_fraction 0.1 -keep_random_fraction 0.1 4711 -thin_with_grid 1.0 -thin_pulses_with_time 0.0001 -thin_points_with_time 0.000001 Boolean combination of filters. -filter_and Transform coordinates. -translate_x -2.5 -scale_z 0.3048 -rotate_xy 15.0 620000 4100000 (angle + origin) -translate_xyz 0.5 0.5 0 -translate_then_scale_y -0.5 1.001 -transform_helmert -199.87,74.79,246.62 -transform_helmert 598.1,73.7,418.2,0.202,0.045,-2.455,6.7 -switch_x_y -switch_x_z -switch_y_z -clamp_z_below 70.5 -clamp_z 70.5 72.5 -copy_attribute_into_z 0 -copy_intensity_into_z Transform raw xyz integers. -translate_raw_z 20 -translate_raw_xyz 1 1 0 -translate_raw_xy_at_random 2 2 -clamp_raw_z 500 800 Transform intensity. -set_intensity 0 -scale_intensity 2.5 -translate_intensity 50 -translate_then_scale_intensity 0.5 3.1 -clamp_intensity 0 255 -clamp_intensity_above 255 -copy_RGB_into_intensity -copy_NIR_into_intensity -copy_attribute_into_intensity 0 Transform scan_angle. -scale_scan_angle 1.944445 -translate_scan_angle -5 -translate_then_scale_scan_angle -0.5 2.1 Change the return number or return count of points. -repair_zero_returns -set_return_number 1 -set_extended_return_number 10 -change_return_number_from_to 2 1 -set_number_of_returns 2 -set_number_of_returns 15 -change_number_of_returns_from_to 0 2 Modify the classification. -set_classification 2 -set_extended_classification 0 -change_classification_from_to 2 4 -classify_z_below_as -5.0 7 -classify_z_above_as 70.0 7 -classify_z_between_as 2.0 5.0 4 -classify_intensity_above_as 200 9 -classify_intensity_below_as 30 11 -classify_intensity_between_as 500 900 15 -change_extended_classification_from_to 6 46 -move_ancient_to_extended_classification Change the flags. -set_withheld_flag 0 -set_synthetic_flag 1 -set_keypoint_flag 0 -set_overlap_flag 1 Modify the extended scanner channel. -set_scanner_channel 2 -copy_user_data_into_scanner_channel Modify the user data. -set_user_data 0 -scale_user_data 1.5 -change_user_data_from_to 23 26 -change_user_data_from_to 23 26 -copy_attribute_into_user_data 1 Modify the point source ID. -set_point_source 500 -change_point_source_from_to 1023 1024 -copy_user_data_into_point_source -copy_scanner_channel_into_point_source -merge_scanner_channel_into_point_source -split_scanner_channel_from_point_source -bin_Z_into_point_source 200 -bin_abs_scan_angle_into_point_source 2 Transform gps_time. -set_gps_time 113556962.005715 -translate_gps_time 40.50 -adjusted_to_week -week_to_adjusted 1671 Transform RGB/NIR colors. -set_RGB 255 0 127 -set_RGB_of_class 9 0 0 255 -scale_RGB 2 4 2 -scale_RGB_down (by 256) -scale_RGB_up (by 256) -switch_R_G -switch_R_B -switch_B_G -copy_R_into_NIR -copy_R_into_intensity -copy_G_into_NIR -copy_G_into_intensity -copy_B_into_NIR -copy_B_into_intensity -copy_intensity_into_NIR Supported LAS Inputs -i lidar.las -i lidar.laz -i lidar1.las lidar2.las lidar3.las -merged -i *.las - merged -i flight0??.laz flight1??.laz -i terrasolid.bin -i esri.shp -i nasa.qi -i lidar.txt -iparse xyzti -iskip 2 (on-the-fly from ASCII) -i lidar.txt -iparse xyzi -itranslate_intensity 1024 -lof file_list.txt -stdin (pipe from stdin) -rescale 0.01 0.01 0.001 -rescale_xy 0.01 0.01 -rescale_z 0.01 -reoffset 600000 4000000 0 Fast AOI Queries for LAS/LAZ with spatial indexing LAX files -inside min_x min_y max_x max_y -inside_tile ll_x ll_y size -inside_circle center_x center_y radius Supported LAS Outputs -o lidar.las -o lidar.laz -o xyzta.txt -oparse xyzta (on-the-fly to ASCII) -o terrasolid.bin -o nasa.qi -odir C:\data\ground (specify output directory) -odix _classified (specify file name appendix) -ocut 2 (cut the last two characters from name) -olas -olaz -otxt -obin -oqfit (specify format) -stdout (pipe to stdout) -nil (pipe to NULL) LAStools (by martin@rapidlasso.com) version 180322 (commercial) usage: lasvoxel -i in.laz -o out.laz lasvoxel -i in.laz -step 2 -o out.laz lasvoxel -i in.laz -step_xy 2 -step_z 1 -o out.laz lasvoxel -i in.laz -step_xy 4 -step_z 2 -max_count 65535 -o out.laz lasvoxel -i in.laz -step 2.5 -compute_IDs_and_voxel_table -o out.laz lasvoxel -i in.laz -step 2.5 -compute_IDs_and_voxel_table -store_IDs_in_intensity -o out.laz lasvoxel -h ------------- if you find bugs let me (martin@rapidlasso.com) know.