Introduction to Conservation Biogeography

Duncan Golicher


What is this unit about?

Evolution of the unit

Why focus on terrestrial biodiversity?

Why focus on tropical biodiversity?

Some patterns of global biodiversity

(Gaston 2000)

Unit intended learning outcomes.

How is the unit assessed?


Is the assignment an essay?

When do we start work on the assignment?

Example of GIS tool




Assignment introduction (30%)

Assignment analysis (30%)

Analyse the impact of deforestation through contrasting patterns of forest cover within the ecoregion for the years at the start and end of Hansen’s deforestation analysis. Use qualitative pattern interpretation and/or quantitative GIS based analysis, as appropriate. Examples of the wide range of possible questions that your analysis might address are.

Example questions

1. How much has overall forest cover changed?

2. Has recent deforestation led to increased forest fragmentation?

3. What proportion of the remaining forest is subjected to edge effects?

4. What proportion of the remaining forest cover lies within officially protected areas?

5. How effective have protected areas been in preventing deforestation?

6. How well connected are the protected areas?

7. Does the landscape outside protected areas provide suitable habitat for forest dependent species?

8. To what extent is forest fragmentation impeding the movement of forest dependent species?

Assignment: Discussion and conclusion (40%)

Critically discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the analytical methods you chose to use. Discuss the implications of your finding within the context of the conservation issues identified in your introduction. Place the results of your study within the broader context of global tropical forest change and species loss. Discuss management options that may be available in order to enhance the value of both protected and unprotected areas for biodiversity conservation. Summarise your key findings as a concise conclusion.

Themes of the unit

Themes of the unit

Using models to understand theoretical concepts







Map for the practical;old=off;dl=1;lon=-51.046236563847586;lat=-8.341871615778818;zoom=2;

Old version with streetview


Gaston, Kevin J. 2000. “Global Patterns in Biodiversity.” Nature 405 (6783): 220–27.
Hansen, M. C., P. V. Potapov, R. Moore, M. Hancher, S. A. Turubanova, A. Tyukavina, D. Thau, et al. 2013. “High-Resolution Global Maps of 21st-Century Forest Cover Change.” Science 342 (6160): 850–53.