Working with the reformatted data


## Pull out a vector with the core identifiers

core<- as.vector(t(read_excel("LGI September 2018 Abundance and Biometric Data - reformated.xlsx", 
    sheet = "MF Measurements Sept 2018", 
    col_names = FALSE, skip = 2, n_max = 1)[,-1]))

## Pull out a vector with the type of core identifiers 

type<-as.vector(t(read_excel("LGI September 2018 Abundance and Biometric Data - reformated.xlsx", 
    sheet = "MF Measurements Sept 2018", 
    col_names = FALSE, skip = 3, n_max = 1)[,-1]))

## Read in the data matrix

MF <- read_excel("LGI September 2018 Abundance and Biometric Data - reformated.xlsx", 
    sheet = "MF Measurements Sept 2018", 
    skip = 4)

Sorting out the names

names(MF)<-tolower(names(MF)) ## Change all to lower case
names(MF)<-gsub("[^\\p{L}']+", " ", names(MF), perl = TRUE) ## Strip anything that's not a letter or a space.
names(MF)<- gsub(" $","", names(MF), perl=T) ## Strip trailing spaces
names(MF)<- gsub(" ","_", names(MF), perl=T) ## Underscore for space

## Now paste the core ids onto all the names except the first one


Pivot and separate

This should now produce a proper data frame.

MF %>% pivot_longer(cols=c(-1), values_drop_na=TRUE) %>% separate(name, "-", into = c("Taxon","Type","Core")) %>% separate(size_class, "-",into=c("Lower","Higher")) %>% mutate (Lower=aqm::clean(Lower), Higher=aqm::clean(Higher), Mid_class=round((Lower+Higher)/2, 1)) -> MF

##            abra_juv        capitellidae       cappitellidae 
##                   1                  10                   1 
##        cirratulidae         corophiidae     crangon_crangon 
##                  30                   8                   1 
##         hydrobiidae     macoma_balthica            nematoda 
##                  19                  38                   8 
##          nephtyidae          nereididae         oligochaeta 
##                  12                  10                  99 
##       phyllodocidae scrobicularia_plana           spionidae 
##                   1                  61                  30