Duncan J. Golicher, Bob R. O'Hara, Lorena Ruíz-Montoya, and Luis Cayuela. 2006. Lifting a veil on diversity: a Bayesian approach to fitting relative abundance models. Ecological Applications 16:202–212.


Code for WinBUGS models, an example data set, and an R interface.
Ecological Archives


File list (downloads)


Duncan J. Golicher
El Colegio de La Frontera Sur
Carretera Panamericana y Periférico Sur s/n
C.P. 29290, San Cristóbal de Las Casas
Chiapas Mexico

Bob R. O'Hara
Rolf Nevanlinna Institute
P.O. Box 4, 00014 University of Helsinki

File list


- Poisson-Gamma WinBUGS model
- Poisson log-Normal WinBUGS model
- Data set consisting of four sites with fifty species
- Script for running the models from R, including tcltk graphical user interface
- Instructions for setting up and running the models
- All five files together


The scripts provided allow the user to fit the compound distributions described in the paper to small data sets consisting of counts of individuals and estimate confidence intervals for some commonly used diversity indices. Names used for indices and model parameters should be self explanatory. The files make use of WinBUGS and R. Both are freely available from the Internet.

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