Instructions for running the models In order to use the model code WinBUGS1.4 must be installed for unrestricted use. The program and the activation key can be downloaded free of charge from The models can be run directly using WinBUGS by entering data in WinBUGS format. Because this can be time consuming we have made available an interface to run the models from the popular open source system for statistical computation and graphics, R. The interface to the models requires the packages coda, R2WinBUGS, and tcltk. It was written for R version 2.0.1 but we expect it to run using later versions unless major changes are made to the packages on which it depends. R has a home page at The necessary packages can be installed from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). As an example we include the data set “testbugs.txt”. This data was analyzed in our paper. It consists of four columns of counts of numbers of individuals for fifty species of butterfly representing four contrasting sites. Non-occurrence is represented by zeros. If expert knowledge suggests that a species could not possibly be expected to occur at a site then zero abundance can be substituted by NA (“Not Available”). The data set can also be padded with zeros for species known to be present but not caught at any of the sites during the study period. This approach is clearly not suitable for completely unknown communities. It was designed for comparatively well known groups of organisms such as butterflies, trees and flowering plants for which reasonably comprehensive species lists are available. Spatial and temporal replication within sites is implicitly, but not explicitly, modelled under this approach. The implicit justification is that replication has reduced the effects of over-dispersion in the data (clumping of individuals) making the assumption of Poisson sampling acceptable. It is the responsibility of the researcher to ensure that this is an acceptable assumption. MCMC fitting has the advantage that models can be extended to explicitly model over dispersion. However this is only practical for larger data sets. We advise that the use of these comparatively simple models be restricted to circumstances where an estimation of the uncertainty associated with comparisons between sites is difficult by other means. In order to run the analysis place the model files in a folder together with the data. Then source in the R code or copy and paste it into the R console. A graphical interface will appear. Check that all the paths are correct. Running the models from the interface should then be self explanatory. HPD confidence intervals for the parameters are output to the R console. Note that the interface will provide sensibly scaled figures for data sets with any number of species. However the default boxplots become rather overcrowded if more than around six sites are analyzed. Knowledge of the R language is needed in order to adapt the analysis to more complex situations. Output from WinBUGS is read into the R object “CodOut” and HPD confidence intervals are in the object “cis”.