Quantitative and spatial analysis

Duncan Golicher


This course aims to provide you with basic knowledge of the tools and methods available for conducting quantitative analysis of field data, including spatially explicit field data.


  • Duncan Golicher Unit leader
  • Harry Manley Spatial analysis

Software used on the course

Modern analytical methods use a wide range of software, some of which is online and cloud based. The different pieces of software pass data to each other using common data standards. So, if you learn about the nature of data you will be able to use many different tools.

Software for GIS used on the course


  • Google maps
  • Google earth
  • Leaflet
  • Open Layers

Software for GIS used on the course

Local network

  • PostGIS
  • Geoserver
  • Leaflet

Software for GIS used on the course


  • QGIS

Software for GIS used on the course

Desktop and server

  • R
  • GDAL
  • Leaflet

Software for statistics used on the course

Desktop and server

  • R (RStudio)
  • R (Shiny)
  • Excel or other spreadsheets data capture only

Course philosophy

  • “Provide a fishing rod, not a fish”
  • “If you only have a hammer every problem looks like a nail”
  • “Reuse and reproduce”
  • “GIYF”


  • Two data sets to analyse and write up
  • Details of the format of your write up and marking scheme on the assignment brief
  • Both data sets will be collected, at least partially, through field work
  • The focal sites are Hengistbury head and Arne RSPB resererve

Field trips

  • A short trip to Hengistbury head will be arranged to complement the phase one mapping course
  • The main course field trip will be to the RSPB reserve at Arne on Wednesday 24 October
  • We will be collecting data on pine regeneration in heathland