Duncan Golicher
19 March 2024
\(\frac {dI}{dt} = \beta SI\)
\(\frac {dS}{dt} = - \beta SI\)
\(\frac {dI}{dt} = \beta SI- \gamma I\)
\(\frac {dR}{dt} = \gamma {I}\)
\(R_0 = \frac \beta \gamma\)
\(\beta = R_0 \gamma\)
\(\frac {dS}{dt} = - \beta \frac{SI}{N}\)
\(\frac {dI}{dt} = \beta \frac{SI}{N}- \gamma \frac{I}{N}\)
\(\frac {dR}{dt} = \gamma \frac{I}{N}\)
A simple SIR mode represents the dynamics of a generic epidemic. The SIR model assumes panmixia, in other words there is a uniform probability of transmssion between any infected(infectious) individual and any susceptible individual. This assumption is in fact rarely completely met. However it is often approximately met. Under panmixia there is no requirement for all the possible contacts between individuals to take place directly in any single model time step. Transmission just needs to be possible through a chain of contacts. A dense network of well connected individuals will approximate panmixia at a national to global scale.
\(P_i= 1- \frac 1 {R_0}\)