Modelling epidemics

Duncan Golicher

19 March 2024

What are models?

How many types of models are there?

How are models used?

What is the SIR model?

How can we represent the changes between states)

How is the SIR model used?

What are the assumptions used in the SIR model?

When are the assumptions most closely approximated?

How do we interpret the SIR model?

Why use an SIR?

How do we build an SIR?

How do we start the model?

How is infection represented?

What is the situation at the start of an outbreak?

What happens to the susceptibles in the model?

What controls the rate of spread?

\(\frac {dI}{dt} = \beta SI\)
\(\frac {dS}{dt} = - \beta SI\)

What happens to the infected?

How is removal modelled?

How is removal modelled?

\(\frac {dI}{dt} = \beta SI- \gamma I\)

\(\frac {dR}{dt} = \gamma {I}\)

How can we make the gamma (\(\gamma\)) parameter more intuitive?

What is \(R_0\)?

How do we find \(R_0\) from \(\beta\)?

\(R_0 = \frac \beta \gamma\)

\(\beta = R_0 \gamma\)

How do we find the absolute numbers?

How is the complete model shown as a compartment flow model?

How is the complete model shown as a compartment flow model?

What do the complete maths look like?

\(\frac {dS}{dt} = - \beta \frac{SI}{N}\)

\(\frac {dI}{dt} = \beta \frac{SI}{N}- \gamma \frac{I}{N}\)

\(\frac {dR}{dt} = \gamma \frac{I}{N}\)

How do we summarise the characteristics of the model?

A simple SIR mode represents the dynamics of a generic epidemic. The SIR model assumes panmixia, in other words there is a uniform probability of transmssion between any infected(infectious) individual and any susceptible individual. This assumption is in fact rarely completely met. However it is often approximately met. Under panmixia there is no requirement for all the possible contacts between individuals to take place directly in any single model time step. Transmission just needs to be possible through a chain of contacts. A dense network of well connected individuals will approximate panmixia at a national to global scale.

What is the herd immunity threshold?

\(P_i= 1- \frac 1 {R_0}\)

Fine, Eames, and Heymann (2011)

What if I didn’t understand any of this?


Dorjee, S., Z. Poljak, C. W. Revie, J. Bridgland, B. Mcnab, E. Leger, and J. Sanchez. 2013. A review of simulation modelling approaches used for the spread of zoonotic influenza viruses in animal and human populations.” Zoonoses and Public Health 60 (6): 383–411.
Ferguson, Neil M., Derek A. T. Cummings, Christophe Fraser, James C. Cajka, Philip C. Cooley, and Donald S. Burke. 2006. Strategies for mitigating an influenza pandemic.” Nature 442 (7101): 448–52.
Fine, Paul, Ken Eames, and David L. Heymann. 2011. "Herd immunity": A rough guide.” Clinical Infectious Diseases 52 (7): 911–16.
Hethcote, Herbert W. 2000. Mathematics of infectious diseases.” SIAM Review 42 (4): 599–653.
Louz, Derrick, Hans E. Bergmans, Birgit P. Loos, and Rob C. Hoeben. 2010. Emergence of viral diseases: Mathematical modeling as a tool for infection control, policy and decision making.” Critical Reviews in Microbiology 36 (3): 195–211.