Differences between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems

Duncan Golicher

What do we mean by a terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem?

Rooted vs unrooted autotrophs (macrophytes and plankton)

Why does this matter?

A rather poor, simplistic view

A more sophisticated view

(Shurin, Gruner, and Hillebrand 2005) (Chase 2000)

What are the key differences?

Why is the ocean blue?

Chlorophyll drives net primary productivity

What does primary productivity rely on?

What is similar in availability?

What differs in availability?

Where is nutrient limitation greatest?

Does temperature limit productivity?

Example for phytoplankton

(Fernández-González et al. 2022)

Freshwater ecosystems have higher NPP than marine ecosystems

Eutrophic vs oligotrophic

Differences in nutritive quality of primary production

Much of the terrestrial NPP passed to decomposers

Aquatic NPP mainly passes on through zooplankton

Formalising the differences

  1. Size structure
  2. Growth rate
  3. Nutrient stoichiometry (digestibility)

Size structure

Growth rate

Nutrient stoichiometry

One very key difference

Trophic complexity

Bottom up control vs top down control

Consequences for human exploitation of ecosystems

ChatGTPs answer (mainly irrelevant!)

What are the key differences between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems?

🗒️ Answer

Terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems are two fundamental types of ecosystems that support diverse communities of organisms. They differ significantly in their physical and chemical environments, leading to distinct adaptations and interactions among the organisms that inhabit them. Here’s a summary of the key differences between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems:

1. Medium:

2. Buoyancy:

3. Gas Exchange:

4. Temperature Regulation:

5. Light Availability:

6. Salinity:

7. Productivity:

These fundamental differences shape the adaptations and interactions of organisms in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, leading to the rich biodiversity and ecological processes observed in these diverse environments.

🌐 Sources

  1. Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems | principlesof-ecology: https://emmabriggs.wixsite.com/principlesof-ecology/terrestrial-and-aquatic-ecosystems

  2. All wet or dried up? Real differences between aquatic and terrestrial biomes: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1560001/


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