Duncan Golicher
\(\frac{dN}{dt} =r_{prey}N-\alpha NP\)
\(\frac{dP}{dt} =\alpha \beta NP- m_{predator}P\)
N = number of prey
P= numbers of predators
\(r_{prey}\) = intrinsic growth rate of prey
\(\alpha\) = proportion of encounters between prey and predator leading to mortality of prey
\(\beta\) = conversion of prey to predator and
\(m_{predator}\) = predator mortality rate
Harsh winters or droughts will reduce the birth rate of prey, but may help predators catch them.
This may produce dynamics that directly contradict the model
Some “predators” specialise on specific age groups
For example, nest predation of birds
Understanding the impact of this requires consideration of an age structured population
The Lotka Volterra model does not consider the dynamics of predation under varying prey densities.
When prey density is low, more time must be spent searching for prey
When prey density is high, the rate of consumption may saturate (handling time reached)
For predators coexist with prey the system is likely to be more complex than the simple model
All predator prey systems do seem to be more complex in some respect than the model
It is possible that predation has led to extinctions in the past (difficult to know)
Predators are likely to regulate prey populations to some extent, but it may be difficult to predict how much top down regulation occurs.
Prey have not generally had time to evolve sufficiently to hunting
Hunting can be indiscriminate (takes healthy, mature individuals of reproductive age)
Human “predation” may have very different effects on prey populations than natural predation.
Hunting can be regulated or deliberately designed for management purposes
Hunting that mimics natural predation could be preferable when it is impossible to reintroduce predators
Very limited evidence that cycles are due to the mechanism proposed in the model
Assumptions too simplistic
Only top down control
No prey switching or alternative diets
No consideration of predator behaviour
No consideration of age structure of the prey
Simplistic depiction of predation
But, it produces interesting dynamics!
Models are useful when assumptions are tested.
Models help to provide a formal framework for thought
Mathematical tractability and analytical sophistication (hard maths to follow) do not make models more “scientific”
Interesting model behaviour should not be a criterion for further research into the model aimed at understanding the system it depicts.
All models, whether their assumptions and predictions are supported or not, do help to provoke constructive thought.
Some models provide a very solid framework for thought. E.g. the logistic equation helps to formalise the concept of the carrying capacity, which is a very reasonable assumption
Some models are extremely useful for short term projections (e.g the Leslie matrix)
Some models help to formalise general hypotheses (e.g. the intermediate disturbance hypothesis)
Some complex models can help in making predictions regarding even more complex systems, providing they are always open to criticism and analysis.