Revising for the ecosystem exam

Duncan Golicher

What is the format of the exam?

Can notes be taken into the exam?

Does not allowing notes affect the grades?

Why are exams used for assessment?

How could I fail the exam?

Do I need to understand everything to pass?

How can I ensure that I pass the exam?

How can I get a high grade?

How will the questions be phrased?

What does “discuss” mean?

What does critical appraisal mean?

Which topics will “come up” in the exam?

What do I need to know in order to answer a question on population modelling?

What do I need to know to answer a question on ecosystem fragility?

What do I need to know to answer a question on the differences between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems?

What do I need to know to answer a question on metapopulation theory?

What do I need to know to answer a question on the dimensions of river systems?

What do I need to know to answer a question on species interactions in aquatic communities?

How can I “flesh out” the answers?

How can I improve my discussion and critical appraisal?

Do I need to cite papers in an exam?

Can I express my own opinion when answering an exam question?

Will I lose marks if I express an opinion that is not held by the lecturer?

I’m still worried about the exam. What should I do?

What are the best pieces of advice for taking an exam?


Hughes, T. P., J. T. Kerry, and T. Simpson. 2017. “Large-Scale Bleaching of Corals on the Great Barrier Reef.” Ecology 99 (2): 501–1.