The carbon cycle

Duncan Golicher

Why are cycles important?

Why is the carbon cycle unique?

Why is carbon newsworthy?

What is the composition of the atmosphere?

Carbon dioxide is a very small fraction of the atmosphere

What does this imply?

Does this imply that there is no way (now) to increase atmospheric oxygen?

Is this a credible message to use to conserve ecosystems?

Is this a legitimate piece of marketing?

Was the atmosphere always like this?

What were carbon dioxide concentrations in the geological past?

What were carbon dioxide concentrations in the geological past?

How has atmospheric CO2 changed since the extinction of the dinosaurs?

What was the earth like in the Eocene (50 millon years ago)?

Tropical temperatures have remained fairly stable while the poles fluctuate greatly.

What might have occurred in the Holocene (last 10 thousand years)?

Where are stocks of carbon held?

Carbon stocks in thousands of billions of tons

Do the estimated stocks support the Gaia hypothesis?

How do we change the earth’s atmosphere?

What would happen if burned all the fossil fuels?

Schematic diagram

Additions to atmosphere through fossil fuel burning

(1 billion tons carbon = 3.7 billion tons CO2)

Additions to atmosphere through fossil fuel burning

(1 billion tons carbon = 3.7 billion tons CO2)

What does the IPCC predict?

What happens to carbon dioxide emissions through fossil fuel burning?

Do forests take up carbon?

How does carbon flow through the system?

What is the greenhouse effect?

How does carbon accumulate in plants?

How does carbon accumulate in the soil?

Example of measurements

Measurements of carbon and radiocarbon (C-14) inventory were used to determine the turnover time and maximum rate of CO2 production from heterotrophic respiration of three fractions of soil organic matter (SOM): recognizable litter fragments (L), humified low density material (H), and high density or mineral-associated organic matter (M). Turnover times in all fractions increased with soil depth and were 2-5 years for recognizable leaf litter, 5-10 years for root litter, 40-100+ years for low density humified material and > 100 years for carbon associated with minerals. These turnover times represent the time carbon resides in the plant + soil system, and may underestimate actual decomposition rates if carbon resides for several years in living root, plant or woody material.(Gaudinski et al. 2000)

What about agricultural systems?

What happens to carbon in the oceans?

What happens when carbon dioxide dissolves in the ocean?

What happens when carbon dioxide dissolves in the ocean?

“Acidification alters seawater chemical speciation and biogeochemical cycles of many elements and compounds. One well-known effect is the lowering of calcium carbonate saturation states, which impacts shell-forming marine organisms from plankton to benthic molluses, echinoderms, and corals. Many calcifying species exhibit reduced calcification and growth rates in laboratory experiments under high-CO2 conditions. Ocean acidification also causes an increase in carbon fixation rates in some photosynthetic organisms (both calcifying and noncalcifying). The potential for marine organisms to adapt to increasing CO2 and broader implications for ocean ecosystems are not well known; both are high priorities for future research. Although ocean pH has varied in the geological past, paleo events may be only imperfect analogs to current conditions.”

(Doney et al. 2009)

Why are we concerned about rising atmospheric CO2?

(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2014)

Mauna Loa carbon dioxide records

Global temperature anomalies

Temperatures at Oxford

Why is there alarm over rising carbon dioxide levels?

Do all atmospheric scientists share this alarm?

Feedbacks are complex

“A feedback occurs when part of the output from a system is added or subtracted to the input modifying the result. Amplifying feedbacks are positive and dampening feed-backs negative. Systems dominated by negative feedbacks are inherently stable and systems where positive feedbacks predominate are unstable. Earth climate system is known to be stable as, unlike other planets, it has maintained a narrow range of life-compatible temperature variability for nearly four billion years, during which all sort of events have pushed it towards both temperature extremes. Climate feedbacks cannot be observed, since by definition they are the effect of one variable on another. Feedback relationship between correlating variables can only be inferred probabilistically or estimated with models. In the same sense feedbacks cannot be deduced from observations, they must be deduced from theory or from model observations. In a complex system such as climate there is a great uncertainty that all relevant feedbacks have been correctly identified” (Vinós 2022)

Why might a 1.5C increase in mean global temperature not lead to a tipping point?

Why might a 1.5C increase in mean global temperature not lead to a tipping point?

Atmospheric cycles

What is meridional transport?

What is the “winter gatekeeper” hypothesis?

An alternative view of climate

(Vinós 2022)


Who wants net zero?


Doney, Scott C., Victoria J. Fabry, Richard A. Feely, and Joan A. Kleypas. 2009. “Ocean Acidification: The Other CO2 Problem.” Annual Review of Marine Science 1 (1): 169–92.
Feely, Richard A., Christopher L. Sabine, Kitack Lee, Will Berelson, Joanie Kleypas, Victoria J. Fabry, and Frank J. Millero. 2004. “Impact of Anthropogenic CO 2 on the CaCO 3 System in the Oceans.” Science 305 (5682): 362–66.
Gaudinski, Julia B., Susan E. Trumbore, Eric A. Davidson, and Shuhui Zheng. 2000. Biogeochemistry 51 (1): 33–69.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, ed. 2014. Climate Change 2013 the Physical Science Basis. Cambridge University Press.
Kätterer, Thomas, Martin Anders Bolinder, Olof Andrén, Holger Kirchmann, and Lorenzo Menichetti. 2011. “Roots Contribute More to Refractory Soil Organic Matter Than Above-Ground Crop Residues, as Revealed by a Long-Term Field Experiment.” Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 141 (1-2): 184–92.
Orr, James C., Victoria J. Fabry, Olivier Aumont, Laurent Bopp, Scott C. Doney, Richard A. Feely, Anand Gnanadesikan, et al. 2005. “Anthropogenic Ocean Acidification over the Twenty-First Century and Its Impact on Calcifying Organisms.” Nature 437 (7059): 681–86.
Pan, Yude, Richard A. Birdsey, Jingyun Fang, Richard Houghton, Pekka E. Kauppi, Werner A. Kurz, Oliver L. Phillips, et al. 2011. “A Large and Persistent Carbon Sink in the Worlds Forests.” Science 333 (6045): 988–93.
Trail, Dustin, E. Bruce Watson, and Nicholas D. Tailby. 2011. “The Oxidation State of Hadean Magmas and Implications for Early Earths Atmosphere.” Nature 480 (7375): 79–82.
Vinós, Javier. 2022. Climate of the Past, Present and Future. A Scientific Debate, 2nd Ed.
Vitousek, Peter M., John D. Aber, Robert W. Howarth, Gene E. Likens, Pamela A. Matson, David W. Schindler, William H. Schlesinger, and David G. Tilman. 1997. “Technical Report: Human Alteration of the Global Nitrogen Cycle: Sources and Consequences.” Ecological Applications 7 (3): 737.