Is Wareham forest a fragile ecosystem?

Duncan Golicher

What sort of ecosystem is Wareham forest?

Who is responsible for management?

What was the original mission of the forestry commission?

What is the current management strategy?

Which ecosystem services does Wareham forest provide?

Historical value

What is the rarest species on Wareham forest?

Which notable species are found in Wareham forest?

What is planned by the management?

Is this a landscape mosaic?

How frequently is this sort of landscape affected by fire?

Spur bog pollen record

When did the fire take place?

What is a podzol?

What happens to a podzol after fire?

How are podzols converted to agriculture?

Edge of Wareham forest

Which key plants do I need to recognise?


Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) Reddish bark

Corsican pine (Pinus nigra subsp laricio) Darker, no red on bark

English oak (Quercus robur) leaves with very short petioles (Quercus petrea has long petioles)

Red oak - introduced (Quercus rubra) Bright red leaves in autumn

Is this a suitable way to map resilience?

Can landscape scale approaches to ecosystem management resolve tradeoffs between biodiversity and services?



Are carbon stocks in the soil being monitored correctly?

“Just the investigation of topsoils is not sufficient to understand the regional pattern of organic matter in forest soils - unless the subsoil becomes Included as well It is hypothesized that for Europe, the Impact of site factors such as climate, texture and relief are difficult to extract from such a database” (Baritz et al. 2010)

Why is it important to measure soil carbon stocks correctly?

Suggested future UK



Andersen, Svend Th., and G. W. Dimbleby. 1963. “The Development of British Heathlands and Their Soils.” Oikos 14 (1): 110.
Baritz, Rainer, Guenther Seufert, Luca Montanarella, and Eric Van Ranst. 2010. “Carbon Concentrations and Stocks in Forest Soils of Europe.” Forest Ecology and Management 260 (3): 262–77.
Cordingley, Justine E., Adrian C. Newton, Robert J. Rose, Ralph T. Clarke, and James M. Bullock. 2015. “Can Landscape-Scale Approaches to Conservation Management Resolve Biodiversity-Ecosystem Service Trade-Offs?” Edited by Akira Mori. Journal of Applied Ecology 53 (1): 96–105.
Howlett, Daniel, Sabine Wulf, Scarlett Wharram, Mark Hardiman, and Harry Byrne. 2022. “Ecological and Wildfire Responses to Rapid Landscape Changes Within the Last  900 Years on the South Haven Peninsula, Dorset (Southern England).” Quaternary 5 (2): 27.
Løvschal, Mette, and Christian F. Damgaard. 2022. “Mapping the Ecological Resilience of Atlantic Postglacial Heathlands.” Journal of Applied Ecology, September.