Revising for the ecosystem exam

Duncan Golicher

What is the format of the exam?

Can notes be taken into the exam?

Why are exams used for assessment?

How could I fail the exam?

Do I need to understand everything to pass?

How can I ensure that I pass the exam?

How can I get a high grade?

How will the questions be phrased?

What does “discuss” mean?

What does critical appraisal mean?

Which topics will “come up” in the exam?

What do I need to know in order to answer a question on population modelling?

What do I need to know to answer a question on biogeochemical cycles?

What do I need to know to answer a question on ecosystem fragility?

What do I need to know to answer a question on trophic webs?

How can I “flesh out” the answers?

How can I improve my discussion and critical appraisal?

Can I express my own opinion when answering an exam question?

Will I lose marks if I express an opinion that is not held by the lecturer?

I’m still worried about the exam. What should I do?

What are the best pieces of advice for taking an exam?