Site mapping at Arne

Duncan Golicher

Aims of the GIS exercise

The aim of the practical exercise is to extract some key environmental parameters for 100 points chosen at random which fall within 50m of a path within the SSSI management units of the Arne reserve. These parameters could be covariates in a statistical analysis of the data that you will collect on the field trip. The data could therfore form part of a broader analysis based on field work.

GiS techniques used

In order to extract the data we will need to do the following.

  • Derive terrain properties from the digital surface model and digital terrain model . Extract only the paths that lie within the SSSI units
  • Buffer around the paths to produce a polygon representing the area in which the points will be placed
  • Select random points and extract the values of the terrain models for all the points

Terrain modelling

Terrain models can be produced in most GIS programs including Arc Map, QGIS or R. The examples here were all produced in R. Advice will be provided in the practicals regarding how to run the same using a point and click GIS interface.

Arne SSSI polygons

The Arne SSSI polygons are extracted from the Natural England SSSI_Site_Units layers. Each polygon is a management unit of the reserve. Notice that a central part of the area is not managed for nature conservation and so it is not included as an SSSI unit.

Arne SSSI polygons

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

Digital surface model

The digital surface model is a smoothed, interpolated raster derived from the firs returns from the Lidar point cloud. As such it should represent the surface of vegetation and the tops of hard buildings

Digital surface model

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2

Digital terrain model

The digital terrain model (DTM) is derived from the last returns, again smoothed and interpolated. As such, in theory, it should represent the land surface underneath vegetation and beneath buildings. This may be challenging to achieve perfectyl in practice, particularly in urban areas with larger buildings, as the interpolation of the underlying terrain may be difficult. Specialist software is used to produce both products, and Lidar point cloud processing can be a complex matter.

Digital terrain model

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

Number of rows and columns

It is important to be aware of the size of the raster when processing. These are the row and column stats.

[1] 1931
[1] 2054

This is large, but not excessive. Processing will be quick in any GIS.


Contour lines can be produced for either the DTM or the DSM or both. It makes more sense to produce contours for the DTM


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5


Slope is derived through using a “local” algorithm acting on each pixel and its neighbours. This looks at each pixel in turn together with its neighbours and uses basic trigonometry to calculate the slope. Slopes can be measured in degrees or radians.


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-6


Calculation of aspect uses a similar approach to the calculation of slope. Again the measurement can be in degrees or radians.


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-7

Vegetation height

In theory, at least, we should be able to get a reasonable measure of the height of the vegetation at our 2m Lidar resolution simply by subtracting the DTM from the DSM. This may not work in all cases, but the Arne Lidar layers have been professionally produced and do lead to good measures.

Vegetation height

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-8

Vector processing: Extracting the paths

We can now find all the paths that fall within the reserve areas from the OSM vector data layer by looking for lines which intersect the SSS boundaries.

Vector processing: Extracting the paths

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Vector processing: Extracting the paths

Note that the paths extend beyond the boundaries of the reserve. This is a common issue that is resolved by carrying out a formal vector intersection operation to clip the lines. We will now take only the paths that fall inside the polygons.

Vector processing: Extracting the paths using an intersection

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-10

Buffering around the paths

We now need to produce a buffer around the paths. This is a simple operation in GIS. It is often necessary to produce a set of buffers of differing widths for some forms of analysis in order to carry out sensitivity analysis.

Buffering around the paths

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-11

Geoprocessing: Unions

There are a range of typical operations that we conduct on the geometries of vector layers in a GIS that can be illustraed and used here. If we just want the outline of the whole area being managed for conservation we could run an union on the individual SSSI polygons.

Geoprocessing: Union

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12

Measuring the total area

[1] 557.6057

Geoprocessing diffferences and symetrical differences

Geoprocessing is essentially rather like classical set theory using a Venn diagram. We can use it to take intersects and areas that don't intersect known as differences and symetrical differences.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-14

Differences operator

As the converse of the buffer around the paths would be the area in the reserve that does not fall into the buffer we can try an operator. The area can be obtained by spatial differencing, i.e. finding the area within the polygon representing the whole reserve that differs from the buffer geometry.

Difference operator

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Placing random points within the buffer

Most GIS programs have a function for choosing random points within any vector or raster layer.

Placing random points in the buffer

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-16

Extracting the raster values

A spatial overlay can be used to extract the values of the raster pixels that match the random points.

Extracting the raster values

        hts     slope     aspect   elev
1 0.1728888  8.459603  91.372504 20.782
2 8.0082174  8.755093 290.302959 10.757
3 0.1282005  3.703272  46.564955 25.110
4 0.1862729  1.223497   7.228865  5.350
5 3.6481428 14.194590 155.752897 23.483
6 0.1408667  3.378708 182.062759 17.157

Polygon overlays to summarise raster statistics

We can also overlay the polygons that we produced on top of the raster layers. This will produce a large number of values that can be summarised statistically. We might want to see whether there appears to be a difference in the distribution of vegetation heights in the buffer as opposed to the non-buffer area in order to check how representative the buffer area is of the reserve as a whole

Vegetation heights within 50m of paths

   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.    NA's 
 0.1000  0.1687  0.4546  1.6677  2.3208 19.2756    1794 

Vegetation heights further than 50m from paths

   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.    NA's 
 0.1000  0.1659  0.3306  1.5060  1.6377 21.8954    1635 

Comparison as histograms

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-20


The practical has demonstrated some common GIS operations. All the analyses can be run using either Arc Map, QGIS or R. In the practicals these operations will be demonstrated using a point and click GUI interface. You will also see how to perform the same operations using reusable scripts that can speed up processing if the same analysis needs to be re run.